
Mike McCue

Mike McCue (@mike@flipboard.social)

Föderation EN Sa 20.04.2024 02:38:38

The problem with building a closed social network is that it sets up an all or nothing premise for users. They might like some of the signature features but they'll leave if there's not enough people to network with. That's a shame and a huge barrier to innovation and new social products.

The changes that forever. People can now use the features they like from a mix of apps across a common network of people. This means we can take a whole new approach to how "social" and "media" should work including discovery, user experience and monetization that will be far healthier than anything we've had in the past.

Mark Pesce

Mark Pesce (@mpesce@arvr.social)

Föderation EN Sa 20.04.2024 02:52:10

@mike Now what we are in need of is a 'Cambrian Explosion' of fediverse applications.

It'll come - at some point... But how do we meaningfully lower the barrier to entry of that new class of Fediverse-all-the-things apps?

Mike McCue

Mike McCue (@mike@flipboard.social)

Föderation EN Sa 20.04.2024 17:22:42

@mpesce Good question. A bunch of people are working on that including @evan, @tchambers and @J12t. Making easier to implement within iOS and Android apps could enable the kind of Cambrian explosion you're talking about.

Johannes Ernst

Johannes Ernst (@J12t@social.coop)

Föderation EN Sa 20.04.2024 21:15:32

@mike @mpesce @evan @tchambers We are working on something like that at @dazzle . (PS: did my first 3D prototyping back then based on your book!!)

Mark Pesce

Mark Pesce (@mpesce@arvr.social)

Föderation EN Sa 20.04.2024 23:56:24

@mike @evan @tchambers @J12t that plus some nice application frameworks plus some outstanding apps to inspire and we'll be well on our way...

David Bartlett

David Bartlett (@David_Bartlett@mindly.social)

Föderation EN Sa 20.04.2024 07:14:42

@mike Why does it need to be monetised? And in what way are you suggesting that it should be?

Mike McCue

Mike McCue (@mike@flipboard.social)

Föderation EN Sa 20.04.2024 17:14:54

@David_Bartlett I think we'll ultimately need ways for people who are posting content, hosting instances or building user experiences to be able to sustain their work. I think there could be a mix of ways to do that but it will be important to carefully design how these are implemented so we don't repeat the mistakes and issues we've seen with surveillance capitalism, horrible ad experiences, etc.

One of the biggest challenges we've had with current monetization models on the web is that they tend to keep users disconnected from content creators. This has lead to a lot of downstream bad practices. Some good exceptions to this are models like Patreon and paid newsletters which focus on building direct connections between creators and their audience. I think the fediverse can expand on these ideas because activity pub is a far stronger connection.

Lots to think about here but I think it will be important to figure this out for any real alternative to the walled gardens to emerge and thrive at scale.

William Pietri

William Pietri (@williampietri@sfba.social)

Föderation EN Sa 20.04.2024 21:58:27

@mike @David_Bartlett I submit that monetization is the wrong thing to pursue for the Fediverse. It's harmful in conception, dangerously narrow in focus, and deeply problematic in all common execution. What we should be pursuing is sustainability, which is both broader and self-limiting.

Mike McCue

Mike McCue (@mike@flipboard.social)

Föderation EN Sa 20.04.2024 22:20:54

yes I agree that we should be pursuing sustainability.


Oblomov (@oblomov@sociale.network)

Föderation EN Sa 20.04.2024 07:26:09

@mike the only current limitation of the Fediverse is that to fully leverage the features of one server you'll need an account there and use its frontend. I look forward at an evolution of the system where the backend is fully content-agnostic and different frontends can be used with the same account. THAT will be perfection.

Reid Ellis ☑️

Reid Ellis ☑️ (@clith@mastodon.social)

Föderation EN Sa 20.04.2024 13:02:06

@oblomov @mike I can already use whatever app (front end) I want to access my one Mastodon account. I think you mean “web interfaces”, and I don’t expect that to ever happen. Can you access your gmail account using Yahoo mail?


Oblomov (@oblomov@sociale.network)

Föderation EN Sa 20.04.2024 13:22:43

@clith @mike but Mastodon is only good (if at that) for microblogging. Its interface is designed for that. PixelFed, PeerTube, lemmy, kbin etc have very different interfaces optimized for specific ways to interact with posts, images, videos, etc. And while you can interact with content from any of these platforms from any other platform, the experience is … suboptimal —and that's assuming you can at all.


Sal Rahman

Sal Rahman (@manlycoffee@techhub.social)

Föderation EN Sa 20.04.2024 17:28:32

@oblomov @mike

I'm working on it.

Raccoon at TechHub :mastodon:

Raccoon at TechHub :mastodon: (@Raccoon@techhub.social)

Föderation EN Sa 20.04.2024 18:43:35

@manlycoffee @oblomov @mike
I should also note that is a thing that exists and people should use it because it simplifies browsing other instances exactly as you described by making your Web Browser effectively act as your front-end.


Oblomov (@oblomov@sociale.network)

Föderation EN Sa 20.04.2024 18:51:44

@Raccoon @manlycoffee @mike I'm not familiar with Graze. How does it solve the issue that non-Note objects get mangled by the server?