
Mike Macgirvin 🖥️


Sa 23.09.2023

Beiträge: 34Folgt: 0Folgende: 0

Creating a kinder, gentler fediverse and open social web. It starts by giving you full control of your inbox and your audience.

Communications technologist. Internet, web, and fediverse pioneer. I build free communications tools in my spare time for free people based on common sense and what works, not on what sells. Systems integration, software development, and robot repair. Former music store owner. Plays a mean guitar, upside down and backwards.

I came from the San Francisco bay area of the 1960s. Make of that what you will. I cut my teeth professionally in the bat-shit crazy world of Silicon Valley through the early 2000s, and have seen greed up close and personal -- and once played the tech startup game with gusto. I'm well and truly over it.

Currently living mostly off-grid on a modest farm in rural Australia.

Mike Macgirvin 🖥️

Mike Macgirvin 🖥️ (@mikedev@fediversity.site)

Föderation · Fr 21.06.2024 00:18:45

Please boost if your immediate circle contains fediverse developers outside of Mastodon.

I'm trying to determine the scope of support for the Mastodon's platform "Move Account" activity across the fediverse. We intend to use this in the relatively near future to convert all of the streams repository's ActivityPub facing accounts to nomadic digital identities - without losing all of our ActivityPub friends in the process.

I'm certain we'll find a number of fediverse projects that don't support this activity and will require manual re-friending. If you have knowledge of any platforms which don't - please reply with the platform name so that this procedure is well documented and we don't have a lot of surprises and missing friends.  Thanks.

Mike Macgirvin 🖥️

Mike Macgirvin 🖥️ (@mikedev@fediversity.site)

Föderation · Mi 10.04.2024 23:17:53

Cool - I think this is the first time I've seen a fediverse event from software that I didn't write.

Mike Macgirvin 🖥️

Mike Macgirvin 🖥️ (@mikedev@fediversity.site)

Föderation · Sa 17.02.2024 22:07:40

Was up at 4:30 this morning. Had a half dozen cuppas before 5:00. It's now just shy of 8AM and another half dozen cuppas later.

Working on the groups problem still. Progress has been made and containerised groups are federating. It's frankly amazing what one can accomplish after a dozen caffeine injections.

Groups are even working from Mastodon. I thought long and hard about this and the poor buggers need groups. 8 years later and they're still waiting. Until they get some of their own we'll still be there to help them out.

Time to go out and feed the critters and check the crops. Then I might be able to dig into moderation and bring that up to 2024 standards. We'll see. I already know how to containerise that one - it's just tedious. Worst case is I'll just have to save that for another caffeine-induced sprint.  Then I think we'll be in pretty good shape and I might able to move all of this into the dev branch and let some other folks poke at it a bit.