

Mono (@mono@mastodon.world)

Föderation EN Do 01.08.2024 20:34:58

@RenewedRebecca @jerry That is already possible if your instance allows user applications. You can read and write your user blocklist using the API. So you can already automate it today. There is just no service a user can subscribe to that does this for him.


Becky (@RenewedRebecca@oldbytes.space)

Föderation EN Do 01.08.2024 21:35:00

@mono @jerry Which is great, but shouldn’t this be solved for everybody, instead of expecting people to have yet one more thing to investigate before signing up?


Magnesium (@magnesium@infosec.exchange)

Föderation EN Do 01.08.2024 22:29:45

@RenewedRebecca @mono @jerry I'm genuinely curious how this would be constructed in practice.

Would a server get onto blocklists based on percentage of bad actors, or is there some sort of cross-instance moderation board that you raise complaints to and if those go unaddressed that instance ends up on a blocklist?


Becky (@RenewedRebecca@oldbytes.space)

Föderation EN Do 01.08.2024 22:36:38

@magnesium @mono @jerry

I think in general, we should focus on blocking people, not servers. At the same time, if an entire server is terrible, then it should be an instance admin problem.

So, let’s say you’ve subscribed to the “no MAGA” blocklist, and a new fan of the Evil Orange joins .social… It’s not going to take very long before he’s found and dropped into the bucket.

But yeah, you bring up a good point… If the dude above gets put on the no-MAGA list, let’s say incorrectly, there’d have to be some sort of way for him to appeal.