
Morag Perkins

Morag Perkins (@moragperkins@mastodon.art)

Föderation EN So 10.09.2023 15:44:17

Colour close up photograph of leaves on a tree in the golden hour light of late summer.

The leaves are backlit by low evening sun, with just the edges of a few in sharp focus, falling away to a blur of greenery and light behind. There is a hint of lens flare across the whole frame, giving it a dreamlike feel.

The colour tones are warm and muted, with soft greens and sepia browns.

Colour close up photograph of a tangle of weeds in the golden hour light of late summer.

The weeds are backlit by the low evening sun, with the edges of the plants appearing to glow. They are in sharp focus, with hints of blurred vegetation behind them. The weeds mostly cluster in the right hand side of the frame, fading into darker shadow at the left.

The colour tones are warm and muted, with soft greens and sepia browns. 

The whole thing has a hot, sticky, dreamlike feel to it.

A similar photograph to the previous one, but with a slightly different arrangement of weeds in the frame.

This time there are three dark stems in the centre of the frame, with small round dark flower heads at the top. A few more plants can be seen in focus around the edges of the frame, with a mixture of grasses and broader leaves.

This photograph has the same sticky, hot feel as the previous one. Somebody once said: "these photographs gave me hayfever!", and I can see what they mean!

A darker, mostly blurry colour photograph of a single flower head on a weed, gently lit by the low evening sun.

It is an umbel shape, with small stems emanating from a larger central stem like an inverted umbrella. There are small white flowers at the top of each stem.

The flowers appear to glow softly against a darker brown background and are slightly blurry, giving it the feel of an old oil painting.

(Medien: 4)