
Morag Perkins

Morag Perkins (@moragperkins@mastodon.art)

Föderation EN Sa 08.06.2024 21:26:43

@carusb @shom @marisa πŸ˜† pfft, embrace the chaos and call it art


ChrisR (@carusb@photog.social)

Föderation EN Sa 08.06.2024 21:28:24

@moragperkins @shom @marisa I guess you could always soup them in something weird... (I also noticed that Filmdev won't dev anything that's been souped!).

shom πŸ§πŸ“·πŸ€ΏπŸ”οΈπŸͺš

shom πŸ§πŸ“·πŸ€ΏπŸ”οΈπŸͺš (@shom@fosstodon.org)

Föderation EN Sa 08.06.2024 23:24:38

@carusb what's souping it up?! It's summer over here now, please reply in the late September, I'll be primed for soup!
@moragperkins @marisa


ChrisR (@carusb@photog.social)

Föderation EN Sa 08.06.2024 23:36:24

@shom @moragperkins @marisa This should give you some starting points, no need to wait for autumn... lomography.com/magazine/348449