
neville park

Föderation · Do 13.07.2023 07:36:30

one of today's highlights was finding a patch of lamb's ear full of rather docile wool carder bees who let me get close enough for photos!

these bees get their name from their behaviour of scraping fluff for their nests from fuzzy plants like this. they are very cute.

A wool carder bee (Anthidium) hovering near a fuzzy white stalk of lamb's ear.

A wool carder bee on a lamb's ear leaf, head on. You can see its ocelli, the trio of simple eyes on top of its head.

A side view. These bees are adorably furry.

View of a wool carder bee from above and back. Their butts are quite bulbous and resemble yellow jackets', but rounder.

(Medien: 4)