

Nik (@nikclayton@mastodon.social)

Föderation · Fr 30.08.2024 17:08:48

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Pachli (@pachli@mastodon.social)

Föderation EN Fr 30.08.2024 16:33:12

2.8.0 is now available. This version adds a new experiments feature. The first experiment allows you to reverse timelines, scrolling down for newer posts.

It also significantly improves the reliability of fetching and displaying notifications (with some caveats), and fixes a number of display bugs.

See pachli.app/pachli/2024/08/30/2 for details.

Thank you to Aindriú Mac Giolla Eoin, @ghose, @kallekn, sunniva, @mileskrell, and Juan M Sevilla for their contributions.