
Olivier Simard-Casanova

Olivier Simard-Casanova (@o.simardcasanova.net@bsky.brid.gy) Bot

Föderation EN Mi 07.08.2024 23:43:08

For instance, on Mastodon monthly active users (MAU) has been decreasing for ~a year

But the number of posts is flat

Less people use Mastodon, but those who use it use it increasingly more

MAUs or number of posts alone would be misleading

Hence why it’s important to have several metrics


Kuba Suder 🇵🇱🇺🇦

Kuba Suder 🇵🇱🇺🇦 (@mackuba.eu@bsky.brid.gy) Bot

Föderation EN Mi 07.08.2024 23:47:44

Mastodon also has a similar MAU as Bluesky, but apparently more daily posts mastodon.social/@fediverseco... - I guess it's just that the MAUs are counted differently, the Mastodon one might be more conservative


hailey (@haileyok.com@bsky.brid.gy) Bot

Föderation EN Mi 07.08.2024 23:48:52

it would be nice to understand how something like fedidb calculates their numbers so an accurate comparison could be made!

Kuba Suder 🇵🇱🇺🇦

Kuba Suder 🇵🇱🇺🇦 (@mackuba.eu@bsky.brid.gy) Bot

Föderation EN Mi 07.08.2024 23:49:26

Yeah, I wonder how they do that since there's no global firehose there…


hailey (@haileyok.com@bsky.brid.gy) Bot

Föderation EN Mi 07.08.2024 23:50:39

i think you'd need to know what this means:

> and store the data of public statistic apis.

Olivier Simard-Casanova

Olivier Simard-Casanova (@o.simardcasanova.net@bsky.brid.gy) Bot

Föderation EN Mi 07.08.2024 23:59:02

I’m assuming the same API is used to display the number of users on an instance’s homepage


hailey (@haileyok.com@bsky.brid.gy) Bot

Föderation EN Do 08.08.2024 00:01:49

yea id like to understand what that number is too! i dont think you could get that number from the info on mastodon.social/api/v1/insta..., so maybe the one in your screenshot is an MAU? (thats also the number fedidb shows for mastodon.social)


Olivier Simard-Casanova

Olivier Simard-Casanova (@o.simardcasanova.net@bsky.brid.gy) Bot

Föderation EN Do 08.08.2024 00:07:23

Maybe @Gargron.mastodon.social.ap.brid.gy knows the answer?

Or @renchap.oisaur.com.ap.brid.gy?

(Being able to tag people on Mastodon from Bluesky is wild. Open protocols for the win!)

Renaud Chaput

Renaud Chaput (@renchap@oisaur.com)

Föderation EN Do 08.08.2024 19:20:33

@o.simardcasanova.net This is the MAU for the instance.
Also the account you replied to did not enable bridging, so I needed to open Bluesky, find your account, then your reply, to understand what this was about. Bridging is good, but not very practical at the moment :(