
Föderation EN Fr 12.07.2024 12:49:25

128 finally landed in unstable. On first launch, before opening anything else, remembered to go to Settings disable the โ€œprivacy-preserving ad measurements.

Go die in a fire, advertising industry.

Screenshot of the Firefox settings with «Allow website to perform privacy-preserving ad measurement» checkbox UNchecked. The string “privacy-pres” is highlighted because it's what I used to find the setting in the first place.

(Medien: 1)

Föderation EN Fr 12.07.2024 13:44:12

@oblomov My initial gut reaction was the same. And I still think it may be wise to opt out of this experiment until it is better understood.

But what if this initiative could indeed serve as a privacy-preserving replacement for ? It looks better than all the terrible ideas Google came up with to replace cookies ( ) let alone .

Here is my take on Mozilla's aka : suma-ev.social/@christian/1127

Föderation EN Fr 12.07.2024 14:07:42

@christian my take is that the advertisement industry needs to disappear, full stop. It has overreached by far too much for far too long.

Föderation EN Fr 12.07.2024 16:13:45

Yeah, they are annoying me with advertisements I need to block (because I want to see the content, not the advertisement and also to not be tracked) and make me pay for it, as the costs of advertising make the products more expensive.

Föderation EN Fr 12.07.2024 16:33:30


So you want to abolish capitalism. I'm okay with that. But what can we do in the meantime?

Föderation EN Fr 12.07.2024 20:48:22

@oblomov Well, sometimes will ship different configuration defaults to upstream. So fingers crossed that someone running unstable/testingยน files a bug to request that before this "feature" hits the ESR track and gets included in stable. I don't see one yet though...


ยน Alas, all my systems are running stable atm.