

Oblomov (@oblomov@sociale.network)

Föderation EN Do 01.08.2024 00:37:35

Woopsiedaisy, looks like @Tusky completely messed up my notifications. I have three accounts registered. This is my primary, but I have two others. The notifications for the other two are fine, but the ones for this account have suddenly gone haywire, showing me some older notifications from one of the other accounts (and raising errors whether I try to interact with them)


Tusky (@Tusky@mastodon.social)

Föderation EN Sa 03.08.2024 22:56:26

@oblomov Sorry for the issue, it is a known bug expected to be corrected soon


Oblomov (@oblomov@sociale.network)

Föderation EN Sa 03.08.2024 23:56:35

@Tusky thanks. I found it had already been reported on GH and the workaround proposed there to filter all notifications out and then restore the selection worked for me, so as bugs go this isn't even that bad ;-)

Thanks a lot for all your excellent work.