
Open Web Advocacy


Fr 11.11.2022

Beiträge: 607Folgt: 0Folgende: 4.127

Developers fighting self-serving restrictions imposed on the web by tech giants. Help us end the & make web apps 1st-class citizens everywhere.





mastodon.social · mastodon · 2025-03-23 20:57:17

Open Web Advocacy

Föderation EN Fr 21.03.2025 09:15:33

1/10 🚨 The 🇬🇧UK regulator’s final report is out and it’s clear: Apple’s browser engine ban harms competition.

Forcing all iOS browsers to use WebKit hurts developers, users, and the web itself.

Change is coming. 🧵


Open Web Advocacy

Föderation EN So 25.08.2024 11:11:54

Our good friend Alistair Shepherd has written a very thoughtful response to the UK Regulator's investigation into mobile browsers. If you are concerned about Browser and Web App competition, please consider adding your voice before 29th of August.


Open Web Advocacy

Föderation EN Mo 17.06.2024 12:53:53

Join us in London! 6pm, 27 June, 2024.


Open Web Advocacy, London Meetup, 6pm, 27 June 2024

(Medien: 1)

Open Web Advocacy

Föderation EN Do 28.03.2024 08:19:04

Apple deliberately introduces dark patterns to stop users leaving Safari and also makes it hard for users to change browser 🚨

They were obligated to fix this in the EU by March 7 so at the DMA conference, OWA questioned Apple why they hadn't.

👇Apple's Response & Analysis:

Open Web Advocacy

Föderation EN Fr 01.03.2024 18:03:10

Apple backs down on killing web apps! 🎉

But the fight goes on!✊

Read More: open-web-advocacy.org/blog/app

Open Web Advocacy

Föderation EN Mi 21.02.2024 09:22:05

Apple will break Web Apps (PWAs) in the EU within the next week ‼️

In order to stop them, we need evidence from you that the harm they are choosing to inflict on EU businesses and consumers is real and significant.

👇👇 Please fill in our NEW more detailed survey: forms.gle/oD8chWN1oQzN6s5aA

URGENT: Apple to break Web Apps within a week.

Critical Data needed from you.

Help Us fight back (learn more with down arrows)

OWA logo in bottom right

(Medien: 1)

Open Web Advocacy

Föderation EN Do 15.02.2024 07:55:10

Apple is on course to break all Web Apps in the EU within 20 days ‼️

👇 Read the blog, fill the survey, join the fight!


OWA Logo and open-web-advocacy.org with the text: 

Apple on course to break all Web Apps in EU within 20 days

No Fix: Beta 1, Beta 2, Beta 3
New UI indicates deliberate choice
Nothing in release notes
No mention in compliance proposal
No response to bug tickets
No response from Apple
NOT required by the DMA

 👇 Read more, OWA blog link below

(Medien: 1)