
Peter Gleick

Föderation EN Do 13.02.2025 18:28:02

It's not hyperbole to say that some people you know and love will become sick or die because of what the Republicans did here.



Föderation EN Do 13.02.2025 18:33:35

@petergleick The best I can hope for is that such sickness and death starts with and continues mainly in red states, and republican voters. Thinning the herd, but now the way they expected?

Martijn Tonies βœ… 🧷

Föderation EN Do 13.02.2025 18:49:02

@petergleick well, that mirrors the 1st Trump presidency very well then.

Ligma Johnson

Föderation EN Fr 14.02.2025 06:14:50

@mt @petergleick Yes, because nobody died during the Biden administration.


Föderation EN Do 13.02.2025 18:49:30

After the historical record of lethal consequences of his actions, after his family roasting him over the pit of their assessment, after a multitude of esteemed physicians’ warnings, RFK, Jr. is a Member of Trump’s Preposterous Cabinet.

If this particular nomination can be confirmed, how far away are even more dangerous & implausible acclamations?

Unlimited presidential terms? President for life? Emperor Trump? Declaring LGBTQIA people β€œillegal” or non-citizens? Forced euthanasia for elders over 75 (unless serving as elected Republicans)? Cessation of all social programs? How about changing the requirement that presidents must be born in America?

I’m not even being sarcastic or satirical.

These Cabinet confirmations (ALL OF THEM) reveal the complete absence of intelligence, integrity, common sense, wisdom, gravitas in the U.S. Senate, the complicity of our media, and stupidity of American voters.

Kid Mania

Föderation EN Do 13.02.2025 19:45:51

@cynblogger @petergleick

"I’m not even being sarcastic or satirical. "

Well, no.
Any of these things should be expected...especially the cessation of social programs, President for Life and Changing the requirement that presidents must be born in America (how else does musk takeover?!)

Nothing should surprise you at this point.

Literally nothing.


Föderation NL Do 13.02.2025 23:16:05

@cynblogger @petergleick

Emperor Trump? It was only last week that I thought for a moment (in despair) that to really drive home for the world the preposterousness of Trumps grandstanding, maybe Emmanuel Macron could bait him into accepting an invitation to a ceremony in Paris, broadcast live of course, in which Trump could crown himself Emperor.


Föderation EN Do 13.02.2025 23:30:33

@taaldader @petergleick

Yours is not an unlikely scenario!

Meme: Black background with square gold inset. Created photo of Trump in royal regalia, seated on a throne. Black text reads, “EMPEROR OF LIES”

(Medien: 1)

Arena Cops πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦βœŒ

Föderation EN Fr 14.02.2025 00:15:35

@cynblogger @petergleick Today's congressional "Republicans"-in-name-only don't have the slightest appearance of balls to resist the Trump gang's threats with primarying everyone, who dares to try & resist the mob boss's blackmail & tyranny.

Musk, "Project2025β€œ & Trump are infecting U.S. government with Putin's brainworms.

Dean F.

Föderation EN Fr 14.02.2025 04:33:10

@cynblogger @petergleick I don't ever again want to hear, "The American people aren't stupid."

Arena Cops πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦βœŒ

Föderation EN Do 13.02.2025 19:07:10

@petergleick What Trump & his puppeteers are doing there is an insult to the mentally sane nation & its government, ridiculed by a grotesque selection of completely unqualified seat-taking laughingstocks, whose only relevant "qualification" for Trump's (horror) "cabinet" would be, that (out of gross ignorance) they won't invoke the 25th Amendment to clear presidential office of a dementing psychopath & national security threat, abused by the authors of "Project 2025" & beholden to the Russian dicktator.

Johan Diederik

Föderation EN Do 13.02.2025 20:29:17

@petergleick now for real

(Medien: 1)

Quinn Norton

Föderation EN Do 13.02.2025 20:50:20

@petergleick to be fair, that won't happen to me because most of them already died from not having health insurance in the last few decades.

Darryl Ramm

Föderation EN Do 13.02.2025 21:01:27

@petergleick @briankrebs

The Kennedy's lobotomized the wrong one. πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ


Föderation EN Fr 14.02.2025 04:05:30

That was offside... but very funny!


Föderation EN Do 13.02.2025 22:16:26

@petergleick .... hearing and watching that guy, i guess he severely suffers from Long-Covid. Or is it just me ?

Climate Jenny 2.1

Föderation EN Do 13.02.2025 22:26:53

@petergleick Honestly, my first thought after hearing this was that I should probably be getting my affairs in order.

Lisa J. Warner / Lisa Luv

Föderation EN Do 13.02.2025 23:07:52


EVIL Brain Damaged Reject!

(Medien: 1)

MemphisDaPlaya 🎲🎲

Föderation EN Do 13.02.2025 23:10:43


All of us. They want to kill all of us! One way or the other. They want us gone.

Canadian Crone

Föderation EN Do 13.02.2025 23:10:59

@petergleick we must protect Canadians against unvaccinated Americans coming into our country.

Merry Christmas

Föderation EN Do 13.02.2025 23:21:35


It will mostly be children.

Disfigured or dead.

James Britt

Föderation EN Do 13.02.2025 23:22:21


GOP: Party of Death

Matthias Rex🐈

Föderation EN Fr 14.02.2025 00:55:22

@petergleick That has always been the point. These people were all chosen because they were the worst possible choices for each government agency. The Kremlin is behind it and RFK Jr is the equivalent of an ICBM actually hitting us.

Linda Rose Smit

Föderation NL Fr 14.02.2025 03:27:03

@petergleick whole countries will suffer bco the government


Föderation EN Fr 14.02.2025 03:48:33

@petergleick Send more live worms. It might improve plaque blocking sane reasoning.

Joseph Meyer

Föderation EN Fr 14.02.2025 06:30:21

@petergleick The RFK, Jr confirmation makes me want to wander around an old cemetery to glance at the grave markers of young children who died from preventable diseases before vaccines were invented.

Stargeezer Smith

Föderation EN Fr 14.02.2025 06:35:35

But none of these will be Republicans, right?


Michael T Babcock

Föderation EN Fr 14.02.2025 06:42:33

@petergleick for those who wish to see how the other side thinks and also for some links that aren't behind paywalls: ground.news/article/senate-vot