Föderation EN Mo 03.03.2025 18:16:31 Incredible statement from the American Meteorological Organization. It takes a lot for a scientific organization to issue a statement like this: "U.S. leadership in scientific innovation is at risk due to the recent and ongoing reductions in U.S. federal science capabilities. The consequences to the American people will be large and wide-ranging, including increased vulnerability to hazardous weather...Recent terminations within the government workforce for science are likely to cause irreparable harm and have far-reaching consequences for public safety, economic well-being, and the United States’ global leadership." Full statement here: https://www.ametsoc.org/ams/about-ams/ams-statements/statements-of-the-ams-in-force/the-u-s-weather-enterprise-a-national-treasure-at-risk/?_zs=m2nfc1&_zl=iOL6A |
Föderation EN Mo 03.03.2025 18:27:48 @petergleick The text on the value of government weather services to many sectors, including the private-sector meteorological enterprise, applies broadly to all national weather services. A weaker and less capable NOAA is a worldwide loss. |
Föderation EN Mo 03.03.2025 19:01:42 @petergleick I'd like to highlight another point in the linked article, which is that private profit oriented companies benefit from reliable science and data when it is acquired without a profit motive. Much of today's technology entrepreneurs believe the same quality can be achieved when the science is performed under a profit motive, their profit. Until it is relentlessly communicated otherwise, the entrepreneurs will continue under such hubris, disasters and burst bubbles be damned. |
Föderation EN Mo 03.03.2025 20:47:40 @clusterfcku @petergleick The only private companies that matter now are the ones that pay tribute to Cheeto Benito. |
Föderation EN Mo 03.03.2025 20:55:29 @rrb @petergleick yes and this is the issue of course. The profit motive of blessed corps will determine what the science will say. This is a filthy viral infection that affects health, public safety, consumer safety and so on. The end of "disinterested science", with effects accruing as future technological debt. |
Föderation EN Mo 03.03.2025 21:25:09 The worst part is that the hyperwealthy are so insulated from consequences that when things do fail they don't really care, it is just a game to them. They have no capacity for empathy. The lack of consequences make them at some level unable to comprehend reality, because it's other people that have to bear the brunt of their choices. |
Föderation EN Mo 03.03.2025 22:18:43 @FediThing until their private jets or yachts get fucked up in a storm nobody predicted, because they fired them all. 🤷 @clusterfcku @petergleick |
Föderation EN Mo 03.03.2025 23:12:42 @Dodo_sipping @FediThing @petergleick i get your point and fully agree with the sentiment. Consider also that by the time any one of them physically suffers the least bit, billions on this world will have sacrificed and suffered immensely, whether by oppression, climate, poverty, injustice, war, genocide... |
Föderation EN Mo 03.03.2025 23:48:57 @clusterfcku true. But they don't care. F*** around and find out, isn't it always like that? At least with this kind of people. Ignorant as shit. @FediThing @petergleick |
Föderation EN Di 04.03.2025 00:04:45 @Dodo_sipping @FediThing @petergleick "Move fast. Break things." Is heralded as the motto for progress. "Others will pick up the pieces" and if not they're just lazy victims. |
Föderation EN Mo 03.03.2025 19:09:03 @petergleick who's gonna tell them this *ain't accidential but "desired outcomes" in terms of #NatSec?
Föderation EN Mo 03.03.2025 19:22:20 @petergleick I worked at a research station during the Bush years, and while that administration was not friendly to science, the researchers were nowhere near as threatened by fake austerity as what is happening now. |
Föderation EN Mo 03.03.2025 19:31:20 @petergleick Edit: I tried more of the links and it’s doing the same thing with all of them. I’m using Safari. |
Föderation EN Mo 03.03.2025 20:12:11 @pomegranate_stew |
Föderation EN Mo 03.03.2025 20:15:36 @aerofreak @petergleick |
Föderation EN Mo 03.03.2025 20:00:38 @petergleick |
Föderation EN Mo 03.03.2025 20:51:18 @mhjohnson Another right-wing troll spreading misinformation and personal "predictions" based on his personal politics. Toodles. |
Föderation EN Mo 03.03.2025 20:18:28 @petergleick We need to get those scientist to migrate to: #Canada #EU #UK #Australia The #UsA will be a long time a no go aera because the political climate will last for years. We can't let science to die. Get them over here. #trump #BlameTheRepublicans |
Föderation EN Mo 03.03.2025 20:28:20 Just cannot comprehend the evil stupidity ongoing... |
Föderation EN Mo 03.03.2025 20:43:17 Rather than Trump being a brilliant Soviet spy from the’80s, a simple explanation is that right libertarian tech bros bought the government and are remaking it in their private property image. |
Föderation EN Mo 03.03.2025 20:46:45 @petergleick Is this what is meant by the "Weather Underground"? And, in spite of Bob Dylan, you do need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows. |
Föderation EN Mo 03.03.2025 20:49:29 @petergleick 💯 And now is the time to write as they would speak to another person. |
Föderation EN Mo 03.03.2025 20:56:42 @petergleick |
Föderation EN Mo 03.03.2025 20:59:43 @petergleick I am very grateful that people are willing to tell the truth. |
Föderation EN Mo 03.03.2025 21:40:01 @petergleick it's often how civilisations collapse, the fetishizing of power over responsibility invariably leads to the destruction of a future potential that becomes self fulfilling. Once the knowledge is gone, once the networks are unlinked they can't be repaired in time to fix things when they become urgent. |
Föderation EN Mo 03.03.2025 21:59:07 @petergleick All these employees need to see this video. All these employees have a legitimate case against Musk and Trump, each of which are potentially worth millions. |
Föderation EN Mo 03.03.2025 22:20:22 The US is not a global leader of anything - so don't worry, you won't "lose your leadership." |
Föderation EN Mo 03.03.2025 22:58:08 I think that "global leadership" ship has already sailed. |
Föderation EN Mo 03.03.2025 23:05:07 Archived at https://archive.is/eVi3B |
Föderation EN Di 04.03.2025 00:04:09 @petergleick We don't deserve to be global leaders. We had our time in the son, and that's over. I just hope we don't cause too much harm outside of our country as we fall down. |
Föderation EN Di 04.03.2025 00:38:53 @petergleick Remember, if your specialist scientific expertise is thrown out of work in the USA, Ireland and most of the European Union nations all have made high skill visas available. Search for your preferred state, your specialist skill and preferred career option. I’m based in Ireland and the Irish government host this site. |
Föderation EN Di 04.03.2025 03:07:25 @petergleick Get rid of that corrupt traitor in the white house |