

Föderation EN Do 23.05.2024 10:58:17

The kind of professor I’m trying to be at university:

EDIT: just to clarify, this is a screenshot found offline, not from one of my student. I’m more direct as I tell my students that "piracy is sharing knowledge and sharing knowledge is ethical and what I’m paid to do so please use libgen.rs and sci-hub"

A few of you have talked to me about having trouble getting some of the books for this course. The university is adamant that you purchase textbooks through the official university bookstore. Beware of sites that promise (and deliver) free PDFs of all kinds of books, such as:



These sites might seem perfectly helpful in that they deliver exactly what they promise, but they are also free. | can't remember what | was saying. Anyway.

(Medien: 1)


Föderation EN Do 23.05.2024 11:12:33

@ploum i wish someone bought copyright.com and redirected to libgen


Föderation EN Do 23.05.2024 14:14:41

@ploum This is the exact polar opposite of the professor who assigns his own book to boost his sales.


Föderation EN Do 23.05.2024 15:15:16

@richard_merren @ploum I always liked it when the professor wrote the book, they seemed like they were way more likely to photocopy and hand it out for free. One even said he made more than enough money selling it to poor students at other universities.


Föderation EN Do 23.05.2024 15:40:55

@grahamsz @ploum I had one whose book was out of print and there were two copies available at the 24-hour loan desk in the library.

Josh Davis

Föderation EN Do 23.05.2024 16:15:42

@grahamsz @richard_merren @ploum

As a poor student at another university, I say f*** that guy.


Föderation EN Do 23.05.2024 16:10:27

@richard_merren @ploum I had a professor who not only assigned his own book, and not only released a new edition every year with the problem numbers changed, but also gave extra credit on the final exam if you tore the front cover off of the book and turned it in with the test.


Föderation EN Do 23.05.2024 14:17:15

@ploum My own textbook is simply free ^_^

CodeByJeff - Now with AI!

Föderation EN Do 23.05.2024 14:19:02

@ploum not everyone agrees with you

(Medien: 1)

Albert Cardona

Föderation EN Do 23.05.2024 14:55:59

@codebyjeff @ploum

The ToR browser is really helpful here. All they seized was a domain name, not the actual server. Accessing alternative domain names that lead to the same server remains possible. Via ToR in particular.

Generic Sadboy 1916

Föderation EN Do 23.05.2024 14:24:33

@ploum fuckin based. :blobhaj_tinyheart:

Alexander Hay

Föderation EN Do 23.05.2024 14:31:08

@ploum I for one am in awe at their professionalism! Not only did they tell their students which sites to avoid, but also gave the URLs just so they could put them on their block list! A true gentleman.


Föderation EN Do 23.05.2024 14:59:06

@ploum As much as students would love this, and professors would love to do this, the system is set up to actively discourage this. At my local university, that would earn a professor quite the "talking to" from their compliance and IT offices. It would not work out well for them...


Föderation EN Do 23.05.2024 15:09:50


Given academia's emphasis on respect for intellectual property, I'm not sure directing students to a repository of stolen material sends quite the right message. Yes, textbooks are a grift. That's why I never use them. All materials needed for my courses are online for free, legal access by anyone, or else I write them myself.


Föderation EN Do 23.05.2024 15:15:11

@Professor_Stevens : I’m in academia and I teach that intellectual property is purely a scam. And a quite recent one.

Space Hobo

Föderation EN Do 23.05.2024 15:40:10

@ploum Looks like b-ok got shut down, over here.

Count Regal Inkwell

Föderation · Do 23.05.2024 15:47:20

@ploum@mamot.fr Seeing this as a person from Brazil puts a smile in my face because our professors would just give us the pdfs for any textbook used.

If they *didn't*, half the students wouldn't be able to study.

There was even one occasion where a professor lamented she didn't have a pdf and how there were only about ten copies at the uni's library, so I raised my hand and said "Ma'am, I own a scanner. You give me one week and I'll have it done"

So I did. Fuck "intellectual property" rent-seekers, knowledge belongs to all mankind ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Föderation EN Do 23.05.2024 15:57:45


I've been doing something like this the whole time.


Because students spend too much on classes to buy overpriced books.

I mean, you can get Dover Math Series for relative peanuts. Why, then, send them to the expensive stuff written by more mediocre professors?


Föderation EN Do 23.05.2024 17:06:34

@ploum Bless you.