
always tired


So 10.02.2019

Beiträge: 32.769Folgt: 643Folgende: 496

spoonie, forever tired - Jewish - not a "male"/"female" at all (TERF dog whistles!) - not "guys"/"dude" - white - 70s kid


they/them; היא/את


de, en, he, yi



avatar description

Yellow circle with the letters "PE" (for project enigma) in red

always tired

always tired (@project1enigma@wandering.shop)

Föderation EN Fr 12.07.2024 14:14:55


Weird bug happening now.

When opening a post from the timeline (first photo) I get a completely unrelated post instead (second photo).

(Opening a different post from the home timeline worked correctly)

Home timeline, focused on a post by "void"

Screenshot after opening the post from "void", showing a post from myself ("always tired") instead

(Medien: 2)

always tired

always tired (@project1enigma@wandering.shop)

Föderation EN Mo 27.05.2024 21:55:43

@moshidon Where has the haptic feedback setting gone in the latest nightly? 😥

always tired

always tired (@project1enigma@wandering.shop)

Föderation EN Mo 06.05.2024 00:09:11

Shout-out for two good Fedi (mostly Mastodon API) client apps for Android. Both feature a good native API, fast interaction, and compact app size.


always tired

always tired (@project1enigma@wandering.shop)

Föderation EN Mi 17.04.2024 16:27:40

@moshidon Hi! I turned animations off in settings. However when I open a post by someone with an animated emoji in their display name, the post heading "post by (display name)" shows the emoji and animates it. Would it be possible to have the "no animations" setting work there too?

always tired

always tired (@project1enigma@wandering.shop)

Föderation EN Do 14.03.2024 00:18:53

@moshidon Hi! Could copying (from) alt text be enabled?

always tired

always tired (@project1enigma@wandering.shop)

Föderation EN Do 07.12.2023 12:18:29

@alizasystem Ah I see. I guess I don't really grok which points are the actual nafka mina (practical difference) between the two.

always tired

always tired (@project1enigma@wandering.shop)

Föderation EN Do 07.12.2023 12:07:32

is one of the proofs that you can actually build a beautiful and useful app with many enough function points and have it be quite compact (apk just a bit over 5mb, when many other apps with fewer functions are so much bigger)

always tired

always tired (@project1enigma@wandering.shop)

Föderation EN Fr 10.11.2023 13:31:16

Why does suddenly crash much more often, without an update in between?