


Fr 26.08.2022

Beiträge: 15Folgt: 0Folgende: 0

I'm qwazix, my other name is Michalis and I'm constantly wondering who I am. I live in Athens, GR. I'm an online wanderer, a digital artist, I love the simple side of the web, brutalist, hand-crafted, low-tech.

I've run out of chars here, for the rest read my post


Föderation EN Di 22.08.2023 19:04:59

Hey , do you know any website that sells tank-tops with indie art on them? I want to get me some.

I searched teepublic and qwertee but neither offers such option.

If you have your art in such a site, or you sell yourself feel free to plug yourself. Other peeps, boost away.

Föderation · Sa 22.07.2023 22:33:02

Idk if that was a feature that got axed, a useful wart of my environment or a general wart that changed in an update without anyone noticing but when I clicked "show more" in to load more posts, if the "show more" tile was halfway scrolled out the top of the screen the new posts appeared above (i.e. I wouldn't lose my position if reading bottom to top). Otherwise it does the default of loading

This way I could read my timeline in chronological order or reverse chronological order without losing my position depending on where I positioned the "read more" tile before I tapped it.

Have you noticed that? Was this indeed a feature?