
Rigo Wenning

Rigo Wenning (@rigo@mamot.fr)

Föderation EN Sa 10.02.2024 21:55:07

hey @Vivaldi the site for the route planning plan.tomtom.com/ does not work in vivaldi. For some reason, one can't log in and it says the account has expired. Meanwhile, firefox works


Vivaldi (@Vivaldi@social.vivaldi.net)

Föderation EN Mo 12.02.2024 16:09:43


Tested, but could not reproduce the issue.
If you try logging in on that site in a Guest or new User Profile, does that work?

If it does, try disabling Extensions and/or the Tracker and Ad Blocker and try again in your main profile.

Rigo Wenning

Rigo Wenning (@rigo@mamot.fr)

Föderation EN Mo 12.02.2024 21:05:49

@Vivaldi interesting! I created a new user profile and allowed all cookies and trackers and no ad blocker. There it works. So it seems they are refusing login if trackers or other protection is enabled. Fun part is: In firefox it works, but there, the graphics is messed up.

I knew that TomTom has bad web design, but did not imagine it as bad.

@whvholst Do you know which DPA is responsible for TomTom?