
Rigo Wenning

Rigo Wenning (@rigo@mamot.fr)

Föderation EN Do 19.09.2024 17:05:47

@jon @Vivaldi after mozilla goes AI, I think vivaldi has potential for mainstream on linux. Even without the PRESTO engine 😎 What about looking into Servo at some point?

Jon S. von Tetzchner

Jon S. von Tetzchner (@jon@social.vivaldi.net)

Föderation EN Do 19.09.2024 17:21:46

@rigo @Vivaldi

I think for the time of being our focus is just on building Vivaldi. Changing engine is no small task.

Rigo Wenning

Rigo Wenning (@rigo@mamot.fr)

Föderation EN Do 19.09.2024 17:25:48

@jon @Vivaldi I was not suggesting change, just having a look to have options in case blink goes wild (as so many things currently go wild on the other side of the pond)
I find it interesting that the frustration is big enough so people start making competing rendering engines.