
Sam Sethi :pc2red:


Do 15.10.2020

Beiträge: 2.286Folgt: 260Folgende: 247

Sam is the CEO of Truefans and the co-host of Podnews Weekly Review. Along with James Cridland, he talks with podcasters about their companies and career highlights. He brings his lifelong passion for all things podcasting and tech to this show and asks the key questions you'd ask, all in his fun, relaxed, informative and always-entertaining style. 


- Podnews Weekly Review 

TrueFans:- truefans.fm







Sam Sethi :pc2red: ⁂

Sam Sethi :pc2red: ⁂ (@samsethi@podcastindex.social)

Föderation EN Fr 13.09.2024 19:04:49

Q: Has the ActivityPub Vocab been updated since May 2017?


We know @Gargron does not support the LISTEN verb. Hope they update their support.

We are testing the READ & ARTICLE verbs for blogs, the ANNOUNCE verb for new episodes and the BUY verb for payments like tickets or merch.

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Sam Sethi :pc2red: ⁂

Sam Sethi :pc2red: ⁂ (@samsethi@podcastindex.social)

Föderation EN Do 12.09.2024 15:34:30

I am live demoing TrueFans today at my 1st FediForum - 4pm (UK) 8am (PST)

I'll demo subscribing to a podcast (become a fan), liking an episode (boost) and writing a comment (quote/boostagram) as well as playing an episode and recording my listen time, percent completed and value paid in micropayments.

All that activity creates my ActivityStream truefans.social/sam which I share to the fediverse and friends can follow. /cc @chris @fediforum @_elena @tchambers @docpop @evan @mike


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Sam Sethi :pc2red: ⁂

Sam Sethi :pc2red: ⁂ (@samsethi@podcastindex.social)

Föderation EN Di 10.09.2024 13:51:14

@mammoth why are the images from TrueFans.social not appearing in your client but they do in Mastodon and Phanpy?

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Sam Sethi :pc2red: ⁂

Sam Sethi :pc2red: ⁂ (@samsethi@podcastindex.social)

Föderation EN Fr 06.09.2024 21:52:45

@_elena @tchambers @dave @mike @evan @js @james @adam
We did it! TrueFans is now publishing new activity about podcast listening, people & podcast follows, new episode releases, comments and more to the Fediverse.

The user can choose what activity they want published from their user settings. To follow any TrueFans user, just search for a TrueFans.social account from any AP client and follow them. Then when they publish new activity you will see it in your AP client. More to come.


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Sam Sethi :pc2red: ⁂

Sam Sethi :pc2red: ⁂ (@samsethi@podcastindex.social)

Föderation EN Mi 04.09.2024 17:30:45

1/2- @evan @js @dave can you help? We are making great progress with TrueFans ActivityPub implementation. We have our server up and running at TrueFans.social

We have user accounts truefans.social/@sam and we can search for these accounts from any AP client and follow them. On that user page (for now) we are publishing the JSON activity based on the verbs the user chooses from their settings page.


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Sam Sethi :pc2red: ⁂

Sam Sethi :pc2red: ⁂ (@samsethi@podcastindex.social)

Föderation EN Di 03.09.2024 11:27:56

Users in TrueFans can now choose from their settings page which verbs they want published to their TrueFans.social page.

So I have chosen 5 verbs to publish:
- boostagrams (comments)
- play (listens)
- follow (follow)
- become a fan (subscribe)
- boost (like)

Below is an image of me 'listening' to Podnews Daily. We will add an extension to this episode object to show listen time, percent completed and value paid. We will also add the podcast:guid

/cc @adam @dave @evan @james @js

The 'Listen' verb in Activitystreams aka Play. https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Listen

Activity Verbs from TrueFans that I have picked/allowed to be published to my TrueFans.social/@sam

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Sam Sethi :pc2red: ⁂

Sam Sethi :pc2red: ⁂ (@samsethi@podcastindex.social)

Föderation EN Fr 16.08.2024 20:53:01

Hello Fediverse! TrueFans.social is live - you can now search for accounts on TrueFans. Next week we will add follow and publish. @dave @adam @evan @chris @mike

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Sam Sethi :pc2red: ⁂

Sam Sethi :pc2red: ⁂ (@samsethi@podcastindex.social)

Föderation EN So 10.03.2024 10:11:25

Our special guest on this week's Podnews Weekly Review is the wonderful @evan the co-author of the ActivityPub protocol and ActivityStreams 2.0

The ActivityPub protocol is a decentralized social networking protocol based on the ActivityStreams 2.0 data format.

These are both W3C open web standards.

For the last few months, Evan has been writing a book about ActivityPub for O'Reilly.

The first two chapters are now available. You can read it here!
learning.oreilly.com/library/v /cc @dave @adam

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