
Rick Calkins

· Föderation EN Do 20.02.2025 19:42:42

Hitler hid in a bunker and you see how that worked out for him. What's the old saying about history repeating itself? 😉

mechanistisches Entmench


Föderation EN Do 20.02.2025 20:57:29

@samuraiplumber @godpod

It's inapplicable. Putin gets more after King David than after Hitler. For Hitler, gassing prisoners was the point. For King David and Putin, dead recruits are the point. There's a reason Putin uses homophobia and Stalin-nostalgia to recruit men suffering from financial strain: policing. Putin isn't a statesman, he's a CopOnTheEdge with a political office instead of a badge. He's looking to recruit native Russian speakers with active shooter red flags and WAIT OUT


Föderation EN Do 20.02.2025 21:39:37

@samuraiplumber @godpod You're a genius! All we need is a gun that looks like a cheeseburger and this issue will solve itself.

Oh wait. Convicted felon can't own guns. DANGIT!

Deep Mud

Föderation EN Fr 21.02.2025 00:44:12

@obscurestar OMG! Too funny!