

schnedan (@schnedan@social.tchncs.de)

Föderation DE So 19.05.2024 15:31:20


seriously, why there is no option to make insert without format the default.

I am using Star/Sun/Open/Libreoffice since 1996 and I NEVER used any other insert option. Never!

Its so annoying.


LibreOffice (@libreoffice@fosstodon.org)

Föderation DE Mo 20.05.2024 07:10:31

@schnedan Because nobody has stepped up to implement it. You asked for the "serious" answer and that's it. LibreOffice is a volunteer-driven project with very limited resources, so if you want an option for that, you can make it happen – join the community of volunteers that make LibreOffice, or fund a developer to implement it: documentfoundation.org/certifi