


Do 14.04.2022

Beiträge: 12.894Folgt: 605Folgende: 2.132

Nerd. Freelance Software Dev. Relationship Anarchist. Sometimes lives in a van. Queer white cis dude, promotes anti-capitalism, anti-fascism, intersectional feminism, the fight against climate change, and thoughtful, ethical behavior in general.

Toots in English or German about software development (mainly Python, JavaScript, Shell), Linux, Vim, electronics/µCs, van life, politics, sex, (inter)personal & emotional things, music, Star Trek, beverages.

May contain awful puns.


Deutsch: er, they • English: he, they


Deutsch, English, learning português & français




scy (@scy@chaos.social)

Föderation EN Fr 05.07.2024 09:28:14

Read somewhere else (no ill intent towards the OP): "I've upgraded from 0.9 to 0.10 and everything broke! Hey devs, if you do breaking changes, this should be 1.0, that's how SemVer works!"

Actually, that's _not_ how SemVer works. In 0.x, anything goes.

Just wanted to PSA this, as I assume it's a common misconception.

4. Major version zero (0.y.z) is for initial development. Anything MAY change at any time. The public API SHOULD NOT be considered stable.

(Medien: 1)


scy (@scy@chaos.social)

Föderation EN Di 21.05.2024 21:50:57

Did you know that you can have a CLI config file? Pretty handy for changing the default memory limit, output format, or even print a nice banner.

Here's mine:

It allows SQLite to use up to 1 GiB of page cache, uses nice Unicode box drawing characters, and tracks the runtime of queries by default. It also reminds me of how to turn these things off again.

(Pro tip: Set `.timer on` last, else it will print the stats for each of the start-up commands … 😬)

Screenshot of me using the SQLite command-line tool, invoked as `sqlite3 addr.sqlite`. It prints:

-- Loading resources from /home/scy/.sqliterc
Setting `.headers on`, `.timer on` and `.mode box --wrap 32 -ww`.
Other helpful modes are `list`, `json`, `csv`, `tabs` or `insert`.
SQLite version 3.40.1 2022-12-28 14:03:47
Enter ".help" for usage hints.

Then, at the prompt, I enter:

select * from attributes limit 10;

The result is an easily human-readable table with header (type, id, lat, lon, key, value) and values like n, 129, 53.9593574, -1.0815173, addr:city and York. After the 10 entries in the table, before the next prompt, SQLite prints:

Run Time: real 0.000 user 0.000000 sys 0.000999

(Medien: 1)


scy (@scy@chaos.social)

Föderation EN Di 09.04.2024 12:16:24

You can tell that this is from 1979 because of the concept of holding someone accountable.

On a sheet of white paper that has started turning yellow, printed in all caps:

A computer
can never be held accountable

Therefore a computer must never
make a management decision

(Medien: 1)


scy (@scy@chaos.social)

Föderation DE Mi 20.03.2024 00:19:36

83% der Bilder auf chaos.social haben ne Bildbeschreibung. Damit sind wir Platz 2 im Fedi weltweit¹. Ich find das großartig, auch wenn immer noch Luft nach oben ist.

Zum Vergleich, journa.host hat magere 24%. Sagt viel über das Selbstverständnis von Journalist*innen aus, würd ich sagen. Echt schade.


¹ unter den 1000 größten Instanzen, nach Anzahl User*innen


scy (@scy@chaos.social)

Föderation EN Do 14.03.2024 14:06:58

Huh. Anyone ordered a lately? Did yours also come with an obvious fingerprint smudge on its contact surface?

The packaging is apparently undamaged.

I've contacted Yubico support about whether that's normal or a possible sign of tampering. Let's see what they say.

A YubiKey 5C NFC in its original blister-and-cardboard packaging with no visible exterior damage. However, the key has, visible through the blister plastic, obvious fingerprint remains on their touch surface (the gold one with the Yubico logo).

(Medien: 1)


scy (@scy@chaos.social)

Föderation DE Mo 19.02.2024 22:40:57

TIL: Der hat ein wirklich nettes Tool zur Abwehr ungerechtfertigter Urheberrechtsabmahnungen gebaut:


scy (@scy@chaos.social)

Föderation DE Di 16.01.2024 01:17:29

Nazis, Schwurbler, Fetischparties


scy (@scy@chaos.social)

Föderation DE Di 07.11.2023 19:33:41

Covid, Infektionszahlen


scy (@scy@chaos.social)

Föderation DE Sa 28.10.2023 12:57:25

Heute freu ich mich darüber, dass chaos.social weltweit(!) auf Platz 3 liegt, wenn es um den Anteil geposteter Medien mit Bildbeschreibung geht.


Das liegt imho einerseits daran, dass unsere Admins Inklusion mit in die Hausregeln aufgenommen haben – und zwar gegen lautstarken Widerstand von Leuten, die hier lieber so weitertwittern wollten wie davor.

Andererseits aber auch an den Menschen hier, denen Rücksichtnahme echt wichtig ist.

Ich mag euch. Danke.


scy (@scy@chaos.social)

Föderation EN Fr 20.10.2023 19:09:22

Interesting. Apparently, both 's and 's German datacenters were used to connections to jabber.ru servers hosted there. There's a detailed postmortem here:

I'd take these allegations with a grain of salt. But I must say that MitM'ing with a certificate and then forgetting to renew it, leading to discovery, sounds like the most German law enforcement thing ever.

via devco.social/@ripienaar/111268