
malena / bikes not bombs

malena / bikes not bombs (@seachanger@alaskan.social)

Föderation EN So 27.08.2023 18:58:49

I know mastodon has issues, I know the fediverse is basically a prototype of what it could be. I know it’s annoying when people are snobby about masto despite its faults.

But for real, if we want this shit to succeed, we’ve got to also love what is good here and be growing it. That doesn’t mean yelling about how all other social media sites suck. It means focusing on what we’re getting right here, listening carefully to complaints, and putting a little energy into solving problems

Mastodon Migration

Mastodon Migration (@mastodonmigration@mastodon.online)

Föderation EN So 27.08.2023 19:31:01


Great sentiments expressed here. While certainly not perfect, it is pretty solid, and keeps making incremental improvements. Most recently adding search is pretty huge.

Sometimes we get focused on what could be better and fail to appreciate what makes Mastodon superior in many ways from other platforms. Yesterday Grant Gulovsen @gulovsen, penned a really excellent tight essay highlighting a few of these strengths: 8 Really Good Reasons to Try Mastodon >>> linkedin.com/pulse/8-really-go