
Stephen Brooks 🦆

Stephen Brooks 🦆 (@sjb@mstdn.io)

Föderation EN Do 26.10.2023 01:03:24

@fell I went through a similar process. Although I think I migrated from Outlook Express (discontinued) to Windows Live Mail (discontinued) to Thunderbird.

Felix Urbasik

Felix Urbasik (@fell@ma.fellr.net)

Föderation EN Do 26.10.2023 07:11:02

@sjb It's a great time to be using right now, as it's gotten some fresh wind with the UI update and the version (based on K9 Mail) just on the horizon.

I just think it could be a little more modern with an optional conversation-style interface.

Thunderbird: Free Your Inbox

Thunderbird: Free Your Inbox (@thunderbird@mastodon.online)

Föderation EN Do 26.10.2023 18:52:31

@fell @sjb Conversation-style interfaces are coming! Until then, there's a developer-supported add-on: addons.thunderbird.net/en-us/t

Felix Urbasik

Felix Urbasik (@fell@ma.fellr.net)

Föderation EN Do 26.10.2023 18:56:57

@thunderbird @sjb Ahh, yeah. I tried that addon last year and it broke whenever the dark theme was active. I should give it another shot!