
Föderation EN Mi 08.01.2025 22:18:57

Some technical details for those interested:
The entire FediMeteo setup runs on a FreeBSD VM costing around 4 euros per month. It supports almost all major EU countries (plus the UK), with just a few left to complete. Currently, there are 25 separate jails, each running its own instance of snac, totaling 25 instances. The VM load typically stays around 10%, which increases to 30% when updates are published for countries with larger numbers of cities (currently Germany and Italy). The only time the load spikes is when new countries are announced; during that time, all remote instances connect to all cities to download their details.
As for RAM usage, excluding the ZFS cache, it's currently a total of 213 MB. Yes, MB.

Föderation EN Mi 08.01.2025 22:20:51


WHOA. These are serious numbers - good to see snac doing a fine job of managing that many little bots. Do you have jails specificaly to collect the OpenWeather data as well?

Föderation EN Mi 08.01.2025 22:23:19

@ParadeGrotesque I have a python program that will open a file with a list of cities, transform them into coordinates and poll the Open-Meteo API. It prints a markdown text that gets passed, via pipe to snac, that posts it.
Each jail will collect its data.

Föderation EN Mi 08.01.2025 22:24:32

@stefano most of my fediverse servers are also running in jails on a freebsd vm. Sounds like I should have used snac!

Föderation EN Mi 08.01.2025 22:29:07

@stefano This is very promising. I am trying to add just enough ActivityPub support to push out posts to followers like FediMeteo does although I am doing it in Rust. At least this gives me hope that running an ActivityPub server with a compiled lang with good attention to resources will fair pretty well on minimal hardware.

Föderation EN Mi 08.01.2025 22:31:32

@stefano thanks for sharing. The story goes - "power to serve" 😉

Föderation EN Mi 08.01.2025 22:52:16

Thanks for providing this service and also this information. At this point, we can only say - thank you very much for your time, efforts and money you put into this service @stefano. At this point I also want to bring up the great work of @grunfink for his incredible work in the / project. Snac became the perfect solution for single user instances but also project related instances in the fediverse. Kudos, to both of you and thank you both very much! You both are doing a great job!

Föderation EN Mi 08.01.2025 22:53:47

@gyptazy @stefano @grunfink good words gyptazy, wholesomely agree, to everything-

Föderation EN Mi 08.01.2025 22:55:10

nothing needs to be add to @gyptazy 's words! thank you

@gyptazy @stefano @grunfink

Föderation EN Mi 08.01.2025 23:41:20

@stefano Jails are awesome. Eat that Mr. Docker!