
Sepia Fan


Mi 15.11.2023

Beiträge: 4.007Folgt: 129Folgende: 70

Fled from TwiX (twitter.com/stekopf)

"Change is coming" by the force of nature or by the power of people, but change is coming.

Von @fff 2019 wachgerüttelt und seitdem bei dutzenden Demonstrationen und Aktionen (auch von @xrgermany) gewesen, mobilisiert, diskutiert und gespendet.
Wenig vernetzt, aber immer wieder dabei.


📚 🛸 🚇🚶 4x💉 🇺🇦

where i live

Berlin, Germany


all along


since 2022

Sepia Fan

Sepia Fan (@stekopf@mstdn.social)

Föderation EN Do 23.05.2024 22:51:32

»According to Intl. , a guilty verdict for even one of the defendants [of] @AufstandLastGen could […] criminalise any activity that promotes it or its purposes, whether financially, logistically, politically, legally or in the media.

“§129 of the German criminal code is to combat organised crime. Its application to non-violent protest criminalises civic engagement and thus restricts democratic freedoms."«

Right-wing parties will use this as a template.
