

Techlore (@techlore@social.lol)

Föderation EN So 11.02.2024 06:10:16

🥳 New Video: The Death of Skiff & Why It Matters.
➡️ Watch it now: youtu.be/bOAt2Got90w


rethinkdns (@rdns@mastodon.social)

Föderation EN So 18.02.2024 18:16:20

@techlore in watching the Skiff founders interact with others in the privacy & security space, it seemed like they were grifters, and didn't care as much as long as they kept growing.

Shame they thought there's a fast growing market where there is none (except when they sought to also venture into crypto), and in the end, couldn't keep up with the expectations of their VCs.

Neeva met a similar end (and also ventured into crypto). Interestingly, both Neeva and Skiff were funded by Sequoia.