
thomas bohn

thomas bohn (@tehabe@norden.social)

Föderation EN Do 23.05.2024 16:28:05

and @IceCubesApp still closes itself after I reply to a post. argh!

thomas bohn

thomas bohn (@tehabe@norden.social)

Föderation EN Do 23.05.2024 16:51:36

@IceCubesApp and it happened again 😭


IceCubesApp (@IceCubesApp@mastodon.online)

Föderation EN Do 23.05.2024 17:00:08

@tehabe Reboot your phone I’m not joking

thomas bohn

thomas bohn (@tehabe@norden.social)

Föderation EN Do 23.05.2024 17:41:24

@IceCubesApp I just did, but I rebooted it a few times since I first noticed this behavior