
Thanasis Kinias

· Föderation EN So 22.01.2023 22:57:37

joking aside, I really am astounded at how much tech gets installed without any thought to what happens when it fails – e.g., we have toilets on campus with motion-detection lights, and when the motion detector fails (which happens not infrequently) there is no way to turn on the lights in the toilet

Jim Bodie

Föderation EN So 22.01.2023 23:03:01

@tkinias indeed. Even when someone raise a concern, they are often dismissed by some manager type that has an agenda to see something get implemented a certain way or by a certain time. It's not often as bad as the cold weather issues with the O-Rings on the Challenger vs. the launch schedule, but often problems arise. Why listen to the engineers and other staff when it is easier in the short run to ignore them.

Paul Coen

Föderation EN Mo 23.01.2023 14:57:27

@tkinias @jimbodie School districts frequently lack knowledge. May fall back on “state approved vendor” as a justification. I saw a district tout UL listings for air purifiers that were the “doesn’t catch on fire” standards and not at all related to effectiveness or ozone release. IT is frequently minimally staffed, and the facilities folks may not understand the long term issues around something like smart lighting.