
Tristan Colgate-McFarlane

Tristan Colgate-McFarlane (@tmcfarlane@toot.community)

Föderation EN Fr 07.06.2024 16:59:38

@moragperkins my local lab give me funny looks when I don't ask for scans or prints when I get colour developed.
I *only* want the negs!

Morag Perkins

Morag Perkins (@moragperkins@mastodon.art)

Föderation EN Fr 07.06.2024 17:01:03

@tmcfarlane OK that is hardcore! Scanning is a colossal pain in the arse, I admire people who are willing to do it themselves.

Tristan Colgate-McFarlane

Tristan Colgate-McFarlane (@tmcfarlane@toot.community)

Föderation EN Fr 07.06.2024 17:04:54

@moragperkins I scan my home developed stuff anyway. And while colour scanning is an extra level of pain, I've said before, I'd rather mess it all up myself than let the lab do it for me :D

Morag Perkins

Morag Perkins (@moragperkins@mastodon.art)

Föderation EN Fr 07.06.2024 17:10:16

@tmcfarlane lol

I let the lab do it for me and only personally mess up selected really special frames that need extra messing!

Another Fauxtographer

Another Fauxtographer (@another@fauxtographer.ca)

Föderation · Fr 07.06.2024 19:44:57

I also get processing only because the lab (singular, only one in my city) scans at lower res than I can do myself.