
Tom Casavant


Fr 15.12.2023

Beiträge: 1.299Folgt: 263Folgende: 552

Software Developer from Ohio


& &

Creator of @pokemon







Listening History




Old Account




Tom Casavant

Tom Casavant (@tom@tomkahe.com)

Föderation EN Mi 11.09.2024 18:36:05

Is the Jeremy Renner Official app federated yet?

Tom Casavant

Tom Casavant (@tom@tomkahe.com)

Föderation EN Do 22.08.2024 01:36:21

Wrote a blog post about a browser extension I made that adds mastodon (or mastodon compatible server) search results to DuckDuckGo


Experimental addon is available for Firefox here: addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firef

DuckDuckGo search results with a horizontal view of fediverse posts that match the search 'Joe Burrow'

(Medien: 1)

Tom Casavant

Tom Casavant (@tom@tomkahe.com)

Föderation EN Di 09.07.2024 17:10:02

Wait were RSS subscriptions a thing on mastodon at one point?

Anyone know why it got removed?

Tom Casavant

Tom Casavant (@tom@tomkahe.com)

Föderation EN Do 27.06.2024 19:42:10

Threads has a list of all their blocked servers now, threads.net/moderated_servers

They also have a way to appeal your banned server, though it looks like it requires an Instagram account to initiate. Still, I think more ActivityPub software should have some method of appealing server blocks- I know I've blocked servers for spam that I just haven't had the time to go back and see if they've dealt with their spam problem.

Side Note: There's some terrible domains on that blocklist and I wish there were a better way for me, a single user server, to keep an up-to-date blocklist without spending 24/7 browsing the federated timeline

Tom Casavant

Tom Casavant (@tom@tomkahe.com)

Föderation EN Di 25.06.2024 00:27:45

Anyone have a good blog post on the fediverse for people who have 0 technical know how? Something like Fediverse for Dummies in 5 minutes

Tom Casavant

Tom Casavant (@tom@tomkahe.com)

Föderation EN Di 09.04.2024 14:49:20

@pokemon let's all just pretend someone didn't attempt to perform server maintenance before he went to sleep and didn't realize that docker didn't come back on which caused the pokemon bot to disappear for 7 hours

Tom Casavant

Tom Casavant (@tom@tomkahe.com)

Föderation EN Mo 01.04.2024 13:08:34

Everyone on the fediverse is always timeline this and timeline that, well no longer

After years of research, I am proud to announce the launch of the Tomline (tomcasavant.com/tomline)

An innovative product designed to streamline the timeline experience, no more confusing streams of content just a single source of all statuses across the fediverse from people named Tom (or Thomas, Tomas, and any other variation)

Live now at: tomkahe.com/public

Edit: fixed blog link