
tom jennings

tom jennings (@tomjennings@tldr.nettime.org)

Föderation EN Do 01.08.2024 23:40:19

@adamrice @jerry @vmstan @doug

User-subscribable block lists seems both incredibly useful and technically less challenging.


adamrice (@adamrice@c.im)

Föderation EN Fr 02.08.2024 16:32:38

@nikclayton @tomjennings @jerry @vmstan @doug It is cool that you are working on this.

I’m not really a programmer, but it seems to me the bigger technical challenge with per-user block lists is preventing blocked griefers from seeing posts by the user with the block list. I would want to be invisible to those who I block.


Nik (@nikclayton@mastodon.social)

Föderation EN Fr 02.08.2024 17:03:01

@adamrice @tomjennings @jerry @vmstan @doug Yes. So to avoid confusion.

If you **block** an account or server on Mastodon that's what happens (docs.joinmastodon.org/user/mod).

The changes will drive client-side **server filtering**. This is not as "strong" as a block (as noted in the caveats section of the post) but it also avoids collateral damage.

The UX should make it easy for a user to go from "I am looking at a filtered post" to "I have blocked that account or server".


dynamic (@dynamic@social.coop)

Föderation EN Fr 16.08.2024 22:26:10

@nikclayton @adamrice @tomjennings @jerry @vmstan @doug

I like the idea of user-level blocklists. I'm not enamored with the feature being confined to an app, but I guess it might be better than nothing.

An important caveat here is that if you make a *public* Mastodon post there is no way of completely preventing bad actors from viewing it, even if you block those users or instances.

Public posts can be viewed by loading their URL in any browser.