· Föderation EN Fr 19.07.2024 20:58:23 @Gusted I used CNAME. Cloudflare don't seem to have an ALIAS option and the A, AAAA, TXT option fails with an SSL error. |
Föderation EN Fr 19.07.2024 21:02:37 @tripplehelix Executing `dig helix.me.uk CNAME` locally yields that there is no CNAME record for this domain. Even weirder if I use cloudflare's DNS resolver it yields the same result. It seems like the CNAME record isn't propagated (or maybe incorrectly configured?) |
Föderation EN Fr 19.07.2024 21:04:08 @Gusted Here's all the configured CNAME recods. (Medien: 1) |
Föderation EN Fr 19.07.2024 21:07:05 @Gusted It's definitely pointing to codeberg pages, because this is where the current error is originating from. |
Föderation EN Fr 19.07.2024 21:14:55 @tripplehelix It's pointing to Codeberg pages because the A record is configured to the Codeberg pages IP. It's weird https://dnschecker.org/#CNAME/helix.me.uk doesn't show any results either. |
Föderation EN Fr 19.07.2024 21:17:51 @Gusted I guess I need to wait for it to propagate then? There's no A record configured, but there was in the recent past. |
Föderation EN Fr 19.07.2024 21:09:44 @Gusted Are you using a custom domain on codeberg? Your repo doesn't have a .domains file. |
Föderation EN Fr 19.07.2024 21:16:03 @tripplehelix I don't use the Codeberg pages. |