
infinite love â´³

infinite love ⴳ (@trwnh@mastodon.social)

Föderation EN Mo 29.07.2024 11:23:50

@khleedril @evan this is just convention. you could just as easily deal with Create activities in a way that isn't redundant. in that sense, the focus is less on the object itself and more on the act of creation. but it could go either way.

infinite love â´³

infinite love ⴳ (@trwnh@mastodon.social)

Föderation EN Mo 29.07.2024 11:24:56

@khleedril @evan one thing i was toying around with mentally, is if objects were attributedTo the Create activity that created them, and then having a separate property for authorship metadata. another way of doing it would be having some kind of object history collection, for activities where the `object` is the current object. then get the oldest/first item from that collection, which should be the Create (but that's less direct).

Evan Prodromou

Evan Prodromou (@evan@cosocial.ca)

Föderation EN Mo 29.07.2024 14:06:38

@trwnh @khleedril Maybe the other way around. We already use `attributedTo` for authorship; add an `objectOf` for the `Create` activity.