
Uli Kusterer (Not a kitten)

Uli Kusterer (Not a kitten) (@uliwitness@chaos.social)

Föderation EN Mi 01.11.2023 15:41:23

TIL: If you are under 23 years of age, there has never been a day in your life where all humans have been on planet Earth. (because there's always been someone on ISS since then)


grindhold (@grindhold@chaos.social)

Föderation EN Do 02.11.2023 10:49:28

@uliwitness i think you can bump this up a few years as the manned space station MIR has been existing before the ISS en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mir :)

D C Ross

D C Ross (@deeseearr@infosec.exchange)

Föderation EN Fr 03.11.2023 15:53:44

The crew of Mir left on August 28, 1999, leaving it empty until April of 2000. The last two cosmonauts left in May of that year leaving Earth orbit empty of human life again. The station finally deorbited in early 2001.

The first crew of the ISS didn't arrive until November 2 of 2000, so that date marks the start of the current streak of continuous orbital habitation.


grindhold (@grindhold@chaos.social)

Föderation EN Fr 03.11.2023 15:54:54

@deeseearr dayum :/ thanks for clarifying