
Vint Prox

Vint Prox (@vintprox@techhub.social)

Föderation EN Sa 20.07.2024 01:38:25

@MartyFouts @eliasp Yeah, perhaps that's the point: free and open source software has no direct relation to this incident. So why, @EUCommission?

Still, I opine that cutting costs on FOSS initiatives is simply adding salt to an injury: there will be less sustainable grassroots projects with influence at least relatively comparable to Crowdstrike. I see it as a loss in expertise enough for secure deployments at scale.

Marty Fouts

Marty Fouts (@MartyFouts@mastodon.online)

Föderation EN Sa 20.07.2024 01:41:48

@vintprox @eliasp @EUCommission I don’t understand why the EU is doing this. No matter what else is going on, support for competition and reduction of monoculture should be sufficient to justify spending on FOSS alternatives.

Vint Prox

Vint Prox (@vintprox@techhub.social)

Föderation EN Sa 20.07.2024 01:44:59

@MartyFouts @eliasp @EUCommission Signing under each word 💯