
Schneckbert 🐌


Sa 05.08.2023

Beiträge: 578Folgt: 664Folgende: 90

Have no fear, Schneckbert is here!

Und plötzlich sieht man überall Leute die sich ein Leberwurstbrot an die Stirn kleben.

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- Avoiding paywalls like the plaque
- If you need my PGP key, you already have my PGP key
- moved here from infosec.exchange

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Schneckbert 🐌

Schneckbert 🐌 (@waldschnecke@chaos.social)

Föderation EN Do 20.06.2024 09:03:35

maybe a kind of stupid question @delta I'm trying to establish a chat session with someone using email and not delta-chat.
I have their public PgP key but I can't seem to find a way to import the key. All I get is the "nine.testrun.org requires end-to-end...." Am I wrong that this should be possible to chat with them? the other end not using a delta-chat client, just their email-client with pgp?