


Lardier (@lardier@troet.cafe)

Föderation DE Di 14.05.2024 09:17:10

Ich bin von der Übersetzungsfunktion in begeistert.


Cas :trisquel:

Cas :trisquel: (@Cas_33@mastodon.uno)

Föderation IT So 12.05.2024 21:23:12

@Tusky The app tends to crush, since I downloaded the last update yesterday
Is it just me or is it something you know & you're working on?

I've been using for more than a year now and it always worked fine, so this is really weird 😕

Kimiko-obasan ✨

Kimiko-obasan ✨ (@Kimiko_0@tech.lgbt)

Föderation EN So 12.05.2024 09:38:38

What's the point of people adding proper hashtags to their toots if you can't even filter on them?
Come on, Tusky, add some filtering please.

Nordnick :verified:

Nordnick :verified: (@nick@norden.social)

Föderation DE Sa 11.05.2024 16:05:09

ist nun als 25.0 und 25.1 via F-Droid verfügbar. Allerdings ist inzwischen bereits Version 25.2 erschienen.

25.1 und 25.2 liefern Fehlerbehebungen in Bezug auf mögliche Crashs der App.

Tusky (Ein Client für [...] Mastodon, der mehrere Konten unterstützt)



Tusky (@Tusky@mastodon.social)

Föderation ES Sa 11.05.2024 12:14:26

➡️ Hi!! We have just launched 25.2, with more improvements in stability and bug fixes!
✅ Check for the new Tusky version and update in Play Store now, and soon on F-Droid too!!

Lautaro :mastodon: :pixelfed:

Lautaro :mastodon: :pixelfed: (@Lautaro_Ferrero@mastodon.social)

Föderation ES Sa 11.05.2024 03:57:51

He vuelto a !!! Ahora ya tiene la opción de traducir las publicaciones (siempre y cuando la instancia lo permita).

Conny Duck

Conny Duck (@ConnyDuck@chaos.social)

Föderation EN Fr 10.05.2024 16:17:59

Speaking of , 25.2 is out with even more stability improvements for 25

Paul Schoonhoven 🍉

Paul Schoonhoven 🍉 (@vosje62@mastodon.nl)

Föderation NL Do 09.05.2024 07:39:21

@Tusky you are doing a wonderful job with the option to prepare toots for sending later.

Is it possible to add an option to add a toot/toots to that scheduled toot?

Anthony Steele

Anthony Steele (@anthony_steele@dotnet.social)

Föderation EN Mi 08.05.2024 20:09:46

Hey fediverse, how do I force the android app to log out, on a device that is not in my possession at present?

I have changed password in the web browser, and that doesn't do it.

Asking for a friend. It me.

Ren 🐧

Ren 🐧 (@rogueren@vt.social)

Föderation EN Di 07.05.2024 02:54:31

Back to , still has too many little things that feel unpolished (Theming is incomplete as some parts are still blue regardless of what custom colors I pick, some text is unreadable in DMs due to backgroud colors, DMs would send replies twice, etc). It just feels like it has way too much going on and not enough time or hands to polish everything up.

@Tusky on the other hand is just missing a quote post button, and that's all. And sometimes notifications break but I'm not sure if that's Tusky's fault or something else like ntfy acting up.