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hhmx.de, angetrieben von Mammuthus, ist Teil eines dezentralisierten sozialen Netzwerks, genannt Fediverse (federated universe, föderiertes Universum), bestehend aus tausenden Knotenpunkten (Instanzen, Servern) mit Millionen Nutzenden weltweit.

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Free Software Foundation

Föderation EN Do 13.03.2025 18:19:31

The first day of the silent is only three days away! Check out the items available for bidding next week: u.fsf.org/466

Photos of 8 free software memorabilia items for sale at the 2025 auction. Top row, from left to right: Amiga 3000UX; Brindled plush gnu from Fiesta; GNU collage by Maxine Farkas, autographed by RMS and the artist; and Gnu with dog by Etienne (1994). Bottom row, from left to right: GNU Manifesto by Etienne (2009); Merv Leitch, QC, Memorial Lecture award certificate; Prix Ars Elecontrica Award of Distinction Digital Communities 2005 certificate; and terminus-est

(Medien: 1)

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