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hhmx.de, angetrieben von Mammuthus, ist Teil eines dezentralisierten sozialen Netzwerks, genannt Fediverse (federated universe, föderiertes Universum), bestehend aus tausenden Knotenpunkten (Instanzen, Servern) mit Millionen Nutzenden weltweit.

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Free Software Foundation

Föderation EN Mi 19.03.2025 19:48:40

New day, new are now available for bidding! Get your bid(s) in now: u.fsf.org/466

On a blue background are five photos. From left to right: a terminus-est device; a gnu carefully removes a splinter from a TeX-branded lion's paw in the Gnu and TeX lion illustration by Etienne, 1990; a gnu looking at a waymarker with signs pointing in the direction of different GNU software packages in Gnu with Waymarker by Etienne, 2003; a gnu vigorously smashing something with a big hammer in Gnu with hammer by Etienne, 1993; and a framed award with text reading 'Presented to Richard Stallman, The 2009 Merv Leitch, QC Memorial Visiting Chair University of Calgary Faculty of Law February 3, 2009' with the University of Calgary crest at the bottom

(Medien: 1)

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