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hhmx.de, angetrieben von Mammuthus, ist Teil eines dezentralisierten sozialen Netzwerks, genannt Fediverse (federated universe, föderiertes Universum), bestehend aus tausenden Knotenpunkten (Instanzen, Servern) mit Millionen Nutzenden weltweit.

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Evan Prodromou

Föderation · Di 04.03.2025 04:35:20

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Peter Gleick

Föderation EN Mo 03.03.2025 18:16:31

Incredible statement from the American Meteorological Organization. It takes a lot for a scientific organization to issue a statement like this:

"U.S. leadership in scientific innovation is at risk due to the recent and ongoing reductions in U.S. federal science capabilities. The consequences to the American people will be large and wide-ranging, including increased vulnerability to hazardous weather...Recent terminations within the government workforce for science are likely to cause irreparable harm and have far-reaching consequences for public safety, economic well-being, and the United States’ global leadership."

Full statement here: ametsoc.org/ams/about-ams/ams-

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