

Charlie (@35millimetre@photog.social)

Föderation EN Fr 07.06.2024 17:08:46

@moragperkins hahaha, hard same. Sometimes I don't even manage to open the envelopes, just into the negatives drawer void they go

Morag Perkins

Morag Perkins (@moragperkins@mastodon.art)

Föderation EN Fr 07.06.2024 17:09:08

@35millimetre this is the way πŸ˜†

gene x

gene x (@genex@sfba.social)

Föderation EN Fr 07.06.2024 20:37:40

@moragperkins @35millimetre yeah I was doing some estate planning and wondering to myself, will my sister wanna deal with all these negatives? Unless I become a famous photographer after my death it won’t matter much and just be a hassle to her of one more thing to deal with that I also never touch after I archive them πŸ˜‚

Morag Perkins

Morag Perkins (@moragperkins@mastodon.art)

Föderation EN Sa 08.06.2024 19:24:36

@genex @35millimetre ah yes, the Somebody Else's Problem strategy for archiving. This is likely my plan too.