

AccordionBruce (@AccordionBruce@mastodon.social)

Föderation EN Di 23.07.2024 12:24:40

@bumi @User47

But Democrats win elections here by getting out the vote

Because they outnumber Republicans

So it’s really important for Democrats to energize their people, who already know what the party stands for

So an emotional video that inspires people makes sense

A boring video of bullet points would not encourage young people to stand in line for six hours, or carpool elders because the Republicans have removed all of the voting places in their district


bumi (@bumi@kosmos.social)

Föderation EN Di 23.07.2024 19:45:32

@AccordionBruce @User47 that really "inspires people" ?? - guess that's imo part of the issue already.

all this to me just shows that the US is lost, sorry. you keep on fighting each other and finding reasons to convince yourself why it's the most important thing to fight the other 50% and that the other 50% are the evil ones.

there is no way out as both are the same.

JL Johnson :veri_mast:

JL Johnson :veri_mast: (@User47@vmst.io)

Föderation EN Di 23.07.2024 20:37:51

@bumi 50/50 isn't even correct. The majority of us lean dem. But thanks to poorly drawn lines (guess who!) somehow Republicans manage to have unearned and undue influence.


bumi (@bumi@kosmos.social)

Föderation EN Mi 24.07.2024 00:35:23

@User47 that somebody can say that some drawn lines influences what 50% of the population means is probably for anybody outside the USA kinda hilarious.

and it seems to me also on this topic both sides say the exact same thing and both claim only that it's due to drawing some lines on the map that the other party can win.

and again, nothing about actual topics and nothing productive... just a sad fight over some lines drawn on the map...