
JL Johnson :veri_mast:


Sa 05.11.2022

Beiträge: 9.676Folgt: 377Folgende: 722

Trying to improve the world. Dad x2 (teen + newborn😳) @Jillianmarisa's adoring husband. Liberal. Enthusiastic Missouri Master Naturalist and non-profit board member. I dig: Conservation + naturalist topics, photography (mostly birds these days) postcards 'n travel. Leader @ a Conglom-O Corp.

C-list : I help run @AirlineReporter & host a Mastodon community of travel/airplane geeks @ AvGeek.Social.

**MY VIEWS** Disclaimer, yadda bla bla

📍 Lee’s Summit, MO, US (KC-metro)



Instagram (app limit 15 mins/day)




My AirlineReporter Stories


JL Johnson :veri_mast:

JL Johnson :veri_mast: (@User47@vmst.io)

Föderation EN Mo 22.07.2024 06:40:10

I’ve seen this Kamala 2020 ad a dozen times today. It doesn’t get old.
I never saw it when it first ran. It has aged amazingly and I hope they play it on repeat.

JL Johnson :veri_mast:

JL Johnson :veri_mast: (@User47@vmst.io)

Föderation EN Mi 26.06.2024 00:00:58

I am very much enjoying HBO’s Silicon Valley. Also, super digging the foreshadowing here this season aired in 2017. @Gargron are you familiar with this show?

Two characters are in a garage. One is going through a notebook. 

Caption reads: Peter Gregory knew the value of a completely decentralized Internet.

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JL Johnson :veri_mast:

JL Johnson :veri_mast: (@User47@vmst.io)

Föderation EN Mo 08.04.2024 19:13:17

@ivory hello! 🙂

I’d like to make a suggestion. If there’s a more formal intake, let me know and I will oblige.

It seems there is a 1,500 character limit for image alt descriptions. I recently pulled words off of a screenshot and added to the description and subsequently received errors that weren’t obvious to me.

I imagine this will be rare but I think it could be optimized. For example referring to alt text in the error. I thought my actual toot was too long.

Also perhaps having a counter in the alt text UI? A red -### to indicate overage would be a huge ah ha.

Thank you for consideration 🙏🏻

Validation failed: Description is too long (maximum is 1500 characters)

(Medien: 1)

JL Johnson :veri_mast:

JL Johnson :veri_mast: (@User47@vmst.io)

Föderation EN Do 01.02.2024 19:24:28

@mastohost I’ve never gotten anything like this. Do I need to beep boop the tech? Thought that was your thing? Please let me know your thoughts

(Medien: 1)

JL Johnson :veri_mast:

JL Johnson :veri_mast: (@User47@vmst.io)

Föderation EN Mi 08.11.2023 15:48:15

Been thinking about how folks (journalists) complain that Mastodon != Twitter. Yet I've found it to be a great substitute, personally.

Maybe it's because I use lists? You should be using lists, too!

Maybe your first could be a "must read" list: The accounts you don't want to miss updates from. Start there if you've been away for a while.

Add/remove accounts as needed. Lists are private, no one is going to judge you.

Here's a primer from @feditips fedi.tips/how-to-use-the-lists

JL Johnson :veri_mast:

JL Johnson :veri_mast: (@User47@vmst.io)

Föderation EN Sa 17.12.2022 19:24:51

@sandofsky Interesting!

Hey, @JetTip and @aeroradar - wondering how this same experiment would pan out for you?