
JL Johnson :veri_mast:

JL Johnson :veri_mast: (@User47@vmst.io)

Föderation EN Mo 22.07.2024 06:40:10

I’ve seen this Kamala 2020 ad a dozen times today. It doesn’t get old.
I never saw it when it first ran. It has aged amazingly and I hope they play it on repeat.


MegatronicThronBanks (@megatronicthronbanks@mastodon.social)

Föderation EN Mo 22.07.2024 08:37:14

@User47 Yeah that's great and the voiceover artist choice is perfect!

Richie Rich

Richie Rich (@RichieRich@hessen.social)

Föderation EN Mo 22.07.2024 09:46:08

@User47 Oh man, I would absolutely support this campaign. I can't, because I'm European and cannot vote for her but she will be the better president for USA, that's for sure. Vote Kamala, everyone who can vote!


hindsight (@hindsight@mstdn.social)

Föderation EN Mo 22.07.2024 12:05:04

@RichieRich @User47 Same same..
"she will be the better president for USA, that's for sure. Vote Kamala, everyone who can vote!"
we can hope the majority of US voters see that as well.

GinkelKarin 🇪🇺 🍋

GinkelKarin 🇪🇺 🍋 (@ginkka@mastodon.social)

Föderation EN Mo 22.07.2024 13:17:26

@RichieRich she will be a better president for Europe, too, I guess.

Richie Rich

Richie Rich (@RichieRich@hessen.social)

Föderation EN Mo 22.07.2024 14:35:07

@ginkka @User47 Unless your name is Viktor Orban and you are best friends with autocrats.

Creative! Queer!! Autistic!!!

Creative! Queer!! Autistic!!! (@n69n@neurodifferent.me)

Föderation EN Mo 22.07.2024 12:26:42

I LOVE this ad!
It’s quick, it’s smart, it’s EFFECTIVE!


Ariaflame (@ariaflame@masto.ai)

Föderation EN Mo 22.07.2024 12:38:48

@User47 Reduce, reuse, recycle.


Mickmac (@Mickmac@mastodon.ie)

Föderation EN Mo 22.07.2024 12:38:53

Any word how Mack Hansen is doing.

Sara Joy :happy_pepper:

Sara Joy :happy_pepper: (@sarajw@front-end.social)

Föderation EN Mo 22.07.2024 13:22:07

@User47 for those who'd like a transcript:

HARRIS CAMPAIGN: Sick of this? [Donald Trump]

Well, think about this. [Kamala Harris]

He's a world leader... in temper tantrums. She never loses her cool.

She prosecuted sex predators... He is one.

She shut down for-profit colleges that swindled Americans... He was a for-profit college.

DONALD TRUMP: At Trump University, we teach success.


Sia Vogel

Sia Vogel (@siavogel@mastodon.nl)

Föderation EN Mo 22.07.2024 13:27:46

@User47 heb het op twixer thread en blue sky gezet. Huiswerk gedaan.

Kit Rhett Aultman

Kit Rhett Aultman (@roadriverrail@signs.codes)

Föderation EN Mo 22.07.2024 13:42:02

@User47 ((long, low whistle))

Hermannus Stegeman

Hermannus Stegeman (@hermannus@stegodon.nl)

Föderation EN Mo 22.07.2024 13:49:09

@User47 really nice ad! Just recycle!

Annie for Harris

Annie for Harris (@anne@toot.cat)

Föderation EN Mo 22.07.2024 13:55:11

@User47 Okay but the best part is at the end where the camera zooms in on T-Bone's ear.

Sure, sure, it's the other ear but... some things age well, and some things age well AND are hilariously PRESCIENT. 😂

Mary Hilton for Harris

Mary Hilton for Harris (@fmhilton@mastodon.sdf.org)

Föderation EN Mo 22.07.2024 14:19:40

@User47 I hope the campaign resurrects it because it has not lost one iota of relevancy!

Babs E. Blue Let's Go Kamala

Babs E. Blue Let's Go Kamala (@BlueWaver22@genomic.social)

Föderation EN Mo 22.07.2024 14:50:40

@User47 Turned on Morning Joe cuz I wanted to see Andy Bashear and they were having GD Joe Manchin on. FFS. Like we need another old white guy at the top of our ticket when the BEST old white guy just gracefully stepped aside for a YOUNGER leader. UFB....the narcissim of that guy. I had to turn off because couldn't even listen to them give him a platform. SMH. And I'm all in for Buttegieg too! I'm in for whomever but I pray she picks someone YOUNG

JL Johnson :veri_mast:

JL Johnson :veri_mast: (@User47@vmst.io)

Föderation EN Mo 22.07.2024 15:56:04

@BlueWaver22 Manchin can pound sand. The only thing he accomplished was prevent another MAGA in the senate. That's literally it. Well, and disappoint democrats, repeatedly

Babs E. Blue Let's Go Kamala

Babs E. Blue Let's Go Kamala (@BlueWaver22@genomic.social)

Föderation EN Mo 22.07.2024 15:59:04

@User47 I just listened too the clip...no he's not running but he's criticizing the endorsement of Harris. Wanted an open primary....and more chaos. JFC. You know what he really wants...just to once again, see his GD face on TV. He makes me sick.

Thomas Lee ✅ :patreon:

Thomas Lee ✅ :patreon: (@DoctorDNS@masto.ai)

Föderation EN Mo 22.07.2024 14:58:46

@User47 great advert

William Heber Percy

William Heber Percy (@wilpercy@mstdn.social)

Föderation EN Mo 22.07.2024 15:55:17

@User47 I’ll never forget seeing Trump barging past the Macedonian Prime minister. What a foul character. Mary Trump says her uncle lacks a single redeeming quality. I can believe it.

MagicLike 🏳️‍🌈

MagicLike 🏳️‍🌈 (@MagicLike@mstdn.social)

Föderation EN Mo 22.07.2024 16:54:48

@User47 hey, would it be possible for you to please cw this post as uspol? Many people try to not get overloaded with politics, especially form the US and stuff.


‍ (@kdj8@wetdry.world)

Föderation EN Mo 22.07.2024 17:02:33

@MagicLike @User47 also please add better alt text

JL Johnson :veri_mast:

JL Johnson :veri_mast: (@User47@vmst.io)

Föderation EN Mo 22.07.2024 17:07:57

@kdj8 it's a voice over with stock footage which my alt notes. I hope you can appreciate that most folks aren't going to write (or read) more than a few sentences.

If you'd like to craft something better, I'm happy to update it.


‍ (@kdj8@wetdry.world)

Föderation EN Mo 22.07.2024 17:26:10

@User47 People with vision impairments or slow Internet only have the alt text to help them understand what's happening in the video. That alt text doesn't even give them the slightest idea of what's happening. I understand not having the time to write alt text, but for that you can use the hashtag which I'm sure would help you find people willing to help you, and content warn it as lacking alt text.


Jennifer (@Jennifer@bookstodon.com)

Föderation EN Mo 22.07.2024 17:08:03

@User47 I saw that yesterday for the first time and loved it! I'm really looking forward to her new ads!! 😂

JL Johnson :veri_mast:

JL Johnson :veri_mast: (@User47@vmst.io)

Föderation EN Mo 22.07.2024 17:10:35

@Jennifer RIGHT!? If this from four years ago was so on-point, imagine what her modern stuff will be. Powerful! I wasn't sure I knew enough about her to be a fan (would obvs vote for her anyway) but so far, I'm loving what I'm seeing. I hope she picks Pete as her VP. What a power house! And so much diversity, too. 💕


Jennifer (@Jennifer@bookstodon.com)

Föderation EN Mo 22.07.2024 18:04:22

@User47 soooooooo much new material 😂


bumi (@bumi@kosmos.social)

Föderation EN Mo 22.07.2024 18:59:47

@User47 such a good description of US politics. No content on actual issues whatsoever. just two politicians fighting each other like kids in the kindergarden.
USA seems pretty lost sadly.


AccordionBruce (@AccordionBruce@mastodon.social)

Föderation EN Mo 22.07.2024 19:40:14

@bumi @User47
It is, however, how you defeat a fascist candidate in a US election

The Democrats are really good at talking about issues in very boring ways, and not fighting smart

The Republicans call them paedophiles, organize over the long haul, win elections, then take away women’s rights and give them to corporations


bumi (@bumi@kosmos.social)

Föderation EN Mo 22.07.2024 23:29:08

@AccordionBruce @User47 a spiral to the bottom. they do exactly the same. nothing is left than just a kindergarden fight.
imo, this is how you feed and grow that quality of politicians and that quality of politics.

the world laughs, just not everyone realized that yet, as they are too busy fighting each other.

JL Johnson :veri_mast:

JL Johnson :veri_mast: (@User47@vmst.io)

Föderation EN Di 23.07.2024 00:56:52

@bumi @AccordionBruce not sure I agree. One party gets things done and serves the people. The other drags us back and serves the 1%


bumi (@bumi@kosmos.social)

Föderation EN Di 23.07.2024 10:31:33

@User47 @AccordionBruce which one?

to me both do the same thing.
there is only a focus on fighting the other one - which it seems is also important to you.

50% of the people fight the other 50%.
It is a fight not by convincing by topics and productive problem solving, but just by a focus on the opponent and trying to make that one look bad. And by now it's even just personal (look at the video shared).

so if that's the example that the top-leaders give, what do people do?


AccordionBruce (@AccordionBruce@mastodon.social)

Föderation EN Di 23.07.2024 12:18:23

@bumi @User47
The presidential campaign in the United States lasts basically years

If anyone here doesn’t know what the two parties stand for they haven’t been paying attention

Our political system is totally broken

Gerrymandering and voter suppression mean only a very few votes are really in doubt

Both parties are beholden to corporate money, but the Republicans have given themselves over to overt fascism because they demographically can’t win elections fairly


AccordionBruce (@AccordionBruce@mastodon.social)

Föderation EN Di 23.07.2024 12:24:40

@bumi @User47

But Democrats win elections here by getting out the vote

Because they outnumber Republicans

So it’s really important for Democrats to energize their people, who already know what the party stands for

So an emotional video that inspires people makes sense

A boring video of bullet points would not encourage young people to stand in line for six hours, or carpool elders because the Republicans have removed all of the voting places in their district


bumi (@bumi@kosmos.social)

Föderation EN Di 23.07.2024 19:45:32

@AccordionBruce @User47 that really "inspires people" ?? - guess that's imo part of the issue already.

all this to me just shows that the US is lost, sorry. you keep on fighting each other and finding reasons to convince yourself why it's the most important thing to fight the other 50% and that the other 50% are the evil ones.

there is no way out as both are the same.

JL Johnson :veri_mast:

JL Johnson :veri_mast: (@User47@vmst.io)

Föderation EN Di 23.07.2024 20:37:51

@bumi 50/50 isn't even correct. The majority of us lean dem. But thanks to poorly drawn lines (guess who!) somehow Republicans manage to have unearned and undue influence.


bumi (@bumi@kosmos.social)

Föderation EN Mi 24.07.2024 00:35:23

@User47 that somebody can say that some drawn lines influences what 50% of the population means is probably for anybody outside the USA kinda hilarious.

and it seems to me also on this topic both sides say the exact same thing and both claim only that it's due to drawing some lines on the map that the other party can win.

and again, nothing about actual topics and nothing productive... just a sad fight over some lines drawn on the map...


AccordionBruce (@AccordionBruce@mastodon.social)

Föderation EN Di 23.07.2024 12:30:38

@bumi @User47
I would dearly love to have proportional representation and other changes to the US Constitution and other institutions to encourage boring politics

I think that would have to go along with changes in income, racial, and sexual inequality in the United States

Which won’t come easy

JL Johnson :veri_mast:

JL Johnson :veri_mast: (@User47@vmst.io)

Föderation EN Di 23.07.2024 15:40:52

@bumi @AccordionBruce Well, we have one party that believes in infrastructure, and domestic manufacturing, and healthcare. And we have another party that gets boners for military guns in the hands of untrained pros, tax cuts for the ultra rich and corporations, and using sharpie to redefine hurricane tracks. Seems pretty clean cut to me.


bumi (@bumi@kosmos.social)

Föderation EN Di 23.07.2024 19:39:15

@User47 @AccordionBruce which one is which again?
I hear that from both sides.


AccordionBruce (@AccordionBruce@mastodon.social)

Föderation EN Mi 24.07.2024 01:25:00

@bumi @User47
You’re just trolling now 🧌

The parties both have issues with taking corporate donations due to our corrupt campaign finance laws

But on social issues. there are dramatic differences. Denying that makes you sound foolish 🙄

So I don’t think you’re honestly or knowledgeably engaging

Enjoy our new president


bumi (@bumi@kosmos.social)

Föderation EN Mi 24.07.2024 11:15:06

@AccordionBruce @User47 I am for sure a stupid outsider.
But this for sure was not a troll comment.

who is talking about "domestic manufacturing" for example?

but yeah, imo we see here that it's purely emotional and there are two opposing parties that seem hate each other.
where should this lead to?


undead (@undead@hackers.town)

Föderation EN Mo 22.07.2024 19:06:38

Uspol Harris 2020 ad, no changes needed

Phangurl Di

Phangurl Di (@Phangurl@vmst.io)

Föderation EN Fr 26.07.2024 21:08:06

@User47 agreed! Mwah! Perfection!