
Ajay Cyanide

· Föderation EN Fr 10.01.2025 20:49:23

@Ashedryden I agree, a megacorp is no one's friend. However, my experience with unions hasn't been pleasant either. Sadly, the only one who is truly going to look out for you is you. All organizations are all out for themselves, unions included.

Mx Verda

Föderation EN Fr 10.01.2025 21:20:22

@AjayCyanide I feel you, but you can influence a union WAAAAAY more easily than you can influence a company.

Like, shit is still shit, but better is always better, ne?


Ajay Cyanide

Föderation EN Fr 10.01.2025 21:48:17

@MxVerda @Ashedryden Not saying you're necessarily wrong - either could be possible. Depends what your role is in the organization (regardless company or union) and how receptive they are to change. I've seen unions that do almost nothing except collect union dues, and aid and abet mediocrity.

The real problem is that our lawmakers should do their jobs and legislate in favor of their constituents instead of their spineless do-nothing approach. Don't need unions if the law is on your side.

Mx Verda

Föderation EN Sa 11.01.2025 00:03:34


hmm. I'll need to ponder that. I think that, were law to be equally fair and redistributive for every single individual in its jurisdiction, then unions would certainly be less immediately useful in comparison.
However, that only holds for as long as the law is known and perceived to be fair to (literally) all.
And even then, there are employment incentives that creep towards unfairness but aren't *really* illegal. And some courts or judges or whatever won't want to try all 'trivial' cases.

But on top of that, the point of a union is not just to litigate or bolster employees in disputes.
It's also, arguably, to foster cross-sectional workplace relationships, external bonds, community ties, host events, raise occupational health awareness, signpost, counsel, (non-mandatory) training members, outreach to potential newcomers and family members, and probably more besides.

Ideal af, but no reason not to push for it, and far, far more likely to work with a union than an employer.

At the VERY least, even a shitty union has a reason and method for different staff to contact each other. Idk, someone else can probably clarify if I fucked my words here
