
BeAware :fediverse:

BeAware :fediverse: (@BeAware@social.beaware.live)

Föderation EN Do 27.06.2024 16:08:17

@KayOhtie It's not polite in my opinion, it's decieving for this very reason. Most people that don't have follow requests on, won't look at everyones profile that follow them. Leaving them vulnerable to this.

Kay Ohtie

Kay Ohtie (@KayOhtie@blimps.xyz)

Föderation EN Do 27.06.2024 16:11:54

@BeAware that's why I put the word in quotes to try and convey sarcasm with it: I'm surprised it's 'playing' by AP instead of just skipping that to snag info. I'm saying "I don't know if merely blocking the domain is enough because it might be doing that to appear like there's a choice when it's actually snagging things via the API anyway". I'm trying to be even more cautious than merely blocking it in Mastodon. There is nothing polite about these things, and many folks are so "it's on the Internet I should have access" about it that a domain block in Mastodon isn't enough.

BeAware :fediverse:

BeAware :fediverse: (@BeAware@social.beaware.live)

Föderation EN Do 27.06.2024 16:13:32

@KayOhtie Sorry, I'm slightly autistic, the sarcasm flew over my head. I fully agree.

Kay Ohtie

Kay Ohtie (@KayOhtie@blimps.xyz)

Föderation EN Do 27.06.2024 16:22:33

@BeAware no, I did a poor job at making it clear and should have worded better or put some indicator, I'm sorry I let my own tiredness at first come up short on that >.<