
Don 🚫

Don 🚫 (@DonTheMaster@mastodon.social)

Föderation DE So 25.08.2024 17:37:35

@nex @cloudron so, you are saying, let's wait with till everyone can use it?

What's about the users who only get a IPv6 and a lousy DS light IPv4?

IPv6 was made available in 1998.
That company's who design solutions still don't have it on their radar is unacceptable.


nex (@nex@fedi.transgender.ing)

Föderation · So 25.08.2024 17:41:03

@DonTheMaster@mastodon.social @cloudron@social.cloudron.io My concern is a push to IPv6 would mean the majority of internet users would have a severely degraded experience, since at least with 6to4 and likewise you can at least still access the entire internet. As far as I'm aware, there's no inverse.
IPv6 should be available on any service that expects public traffic, but making a big push for it without your average Joe actually having IPv6 connectivity will just annoy more than half of the internet's users.
I agree it is unacceptable that IPv6 adoption is still not widespread, but when you've got multi-billion international companies who are so comfortable with their IPv4 range that they merely see IPv6 as a backburner task, a minor annoyance, you have to acknowledge that nothing is going to change any time soon unless there is a sudden and huge financial incentive for them to implement it.

ari :ariYeah:

ari :ariYeah: (@ari@ice.arimelody.me)

Föderation · So 25.08.2024 17:48:14

@nex @DonTheMaster @cloudron this does make me curious if such a push could actually have long-term benefit...

similar to the kind of push that made GPUs common-place in PCs today; if you state that this new* technology is the way forward and you're only supporting that from now on, it may spark a push from consumers to adopt it. and for those behind an ISP, a push from their customers to get on actually supporting IPv6

it's a bit of a coin toss. this would need to be large enough industry push to make a sizeable impact, but not so massive that half the internet is inaccessible for months


nex (@nex@fedi.transgender.ing)

Föderation · So 25.08.2024 17:51:44

@ari@ice.arimelody.me @DonTheMaster@mastodon.social @cloudron@social.cloudron.io I agree that simply refusing to serve IPv4 would be the big push NEEDED to adopt IPv6, but that would totally disrupt the finances of services that get most of their traffic from IPv4 consumers. Imagine if Wikipedia suddenly only served on IPv6 - their traffic would plummet. IPv6 only YouTube would put a gigantic hole in Google's wallet. Netflix going IPv6 only may possibly a huge nail in the coffin.

It would work, but it would be INCREDIBLY disruptive and could likely kill or at least significantly harm the services we rely on daily. Even if you have IPv6 and could still connect to them, you would start to feel the strain eventually, whether that be services silently disappearing, or prices for things rising, or EVEN MORE ads/trackers, so on so forth.

Don 🚫

Don 🚫 (@DonTheMaster@mastodon.social)

Föderation DE So 25.08.2024 17:56:47

@nex @ari @cloudron I never said to stop supporting IPv4. That is what Dualstack is for. But if I see companys in 2024 celebrating the "we somewhat support IPv6" this makes me roll my eyes.

ari :ariYeah:

ari :ariYeah: (@ari@ice.arimelody.me)

Föderation · So 25.08.2024 18:03:03

@cloudron @nex @DonTheMaster service providers have demonstrated since IPv6's inception that they don't care enough to support it. it's not really a question of supporting both anymore; if you still support legacy, why bother putting in the effort upgrading?

pulling the plug on IPv4 may well be the only way that IPv6 finally approaches worldwide adoption. until then, we may be stuck in IPv4 hell forever


nex (@nex@fedi.transgender.ing)

Föderation · So 25.08.2024 18:06:32

@DonTheMaster@mastodon.social @ari@ice.arimelody.me @cloudron@social.cloudron.io I honestly feel like celebrating IPv6 support is just a marketing technique to make their offerings more fancy and new and fast. Most non-technical people I know don't even really know what an IP is, why would they care about v4 or v6? As long as they can connect to YouTube or Netflix or Disney+, who cares?

It is annoying as hell, I agree, and I would LOVE to get rid of v4 and replace it with v6, but we
still just aren't in a place to do that, and as mentioned before, we will probably still be in v4 hell until companies have a really good reason to switch, but that really good reason looks to only be by disrupting the day to day lives of their customers.


cloudron (@cloudron@social.cloudron.io)

Föderation DE Mo 26.08.2024 14:20:07

@DonTheMaster maybe to put this in context, Cloudron always supported ipv6. The news here was that now servers without any ipv4 are also supported.

Next to VPS providers adding charges for ipv4, another driver for this was that users run servers from home, where nowadays often they don't have their own ipv4 address anymore to run a server on.