
Em :official_verified:

Föderation EN Mi 05.02.2025 04:51:09

If you plan on going to a protest this week, be very careful when posting photos of others online. Especially close-ups of identifiable people. Your threat model might not be their threat model.

Whenever possible in context,
ask for consent first.

Privacy is team work! 🔒🙌


Föderation EN Mi 05.02.2025 06:02:03

@Em0nM4stodon which should actually go without saying

🍥SarahBurnout🍥 🇨🇦  🇺🇦

Föderation EN Mi 05.02.2025 07:03:01

@Em0nM4stodon it is too easy to identify people even without faces ...

it may be prudent to wear clothes that have never been worn and will never be worn again as well .

Kevin Karhan :verified:

Föderation EN Mi 05.02.2025 07:38:48

@homelessjun @Em0nM4stodon even that diesn't work.

  • There are successful mechanisms to identify people based off the way the walk.

That's why fled not just dressed up as a motorcycle courier but put a little stone and sand in his shoes.


Föderation EN Mi 05.02.2025 07:45:17

@kkarhan @homelessjun @Em0nM4stodon

That last bit is super interesting.

I knew about gait recognition for a while, but I never thought of how it could be combated.

Security Writer :verified: :donor:

Föderation EN Mi 05.02.2025 08:36:36

@kkarhan @homelessjun @Em0nM4stodon just want to put it out there on the gait recognition.

Gait recognition is largely a pseudoscience. I was heavily involved in an international rollout of the leading systems (wasn’t supporting it). It’s used to give another layer of confidence when picking people up based on other characteristics in addition.

A person’s gait varies throughout life, throughout the day even, depends on how the slept, their footwear, what’s in their pockets, the weather, mood, terrain, other clothing. It goes on. Even wearing headphones and not and what they’re listening to.

And that’s in lab conditions. On a street at night from CCTV? Way more variables unrelated to the person themselves.

Even the Chinese systems recognised as been best in class today have a match rate of below 50% in most cases. Which might seem like guesswork, but its higher in other cases - comparison. It’s way better at comparing two people, but this gets diluted quickly when you add more people to the mix, even a handful.

Most of the successes shown are old man vs teenager, or tall person or short, heavy vs slim, male vs female. OR the bit they don’t show you in the demonstrations, they’ve already done a facial recognition scan of the person they track, or already done a control scan in advance of the person.

In crowds it’s borderline useless, but the marketing materials for them make it seem like the perfect use case. Which is why law enforcement end up buying it and no doubt wrongly going after people.

Kevin Karhan :verified:

Föderation EN Mi 05.02.2025 08:54:12

@SecurityWriter @homelessjun @Em0nM4stodon lets just say that it's hard to claim someone can't be a suspect if their extremities match up in terms of lenght.

  • Not evidence of it's own, but close enough to get justify ongoing investigations...

OFC that can be manipulated to an extent with certain clothing, but it's indicative to the point that a 2m heavy built guy won't be mistaken for a skinny 1,5m woman that weights 1/3 his weight.

Lars Fischer

Föderation EN Mi 05.02.2025 12:08:02

@kkarhan @SecurityWriter @homelessjun @Em0nM4stodon Never underestimate the power of quasi-identifiers.

a) they hunt in packs
b) even 10% reduction in suspect-size set helps to narrow it down to a number that you eventually can directly handle (i.e. visit, call in for an interview, heckle, stalk)

On the other hand, creating news (including pictures) of large crowds is kind of the purpose of protests. Creating fear from retribution is one of the primary anti-democratic techniques. That's why the first rule of fighting for democracy must be support for other democrats, whether you share their other opinions or not.

That's why I might not share your opinions, but I would fight for your ability to express them. (As long as your opinion is not countering our ability to express our opinions. Tolerance is not a virtue, it's more like a contract.) And then I'd have to be able to falsify your logic.

Sorry, this post quickly became non-technical. But some things are too important to not repeat them, even if they seem obvious.


Föderation EN Mi 05.02.2025 10:59:23

@SecurityWriter It's another arrow in the quiver for parallel construction with things like fiber analysis and bullet scratches 😑 It doesn't really matter if it really works, it just needs to be plausible enough to justify an arrest.


Föderation EN Mi 05.02.2025 08:00:37


Unfortunately, many events do not yet have a decent ("ask for consent first", "no means no", etc.). Which should not be necessary in the first place, because it is just common sense.

But at recent many people made photos all the time, of everyone. The photos probably end up in Facebook or Instagram for 🤷

canleaf08 ⌘  ✅

Föderation EN Mi 05.02.2025 08:04:58

@Em0nM4stodon Mask up, make yourself unrecognizable. A protester sat in an interview in Germany behind nazi Alice in the audience and he was attacked by rightwingers because he was recognized.

Randall Lee

Föderation EN Mi 05.02.2025 08:13:39

@Em0nM4stodon Everyone should have their phones off. No one should be taking photos of participants

Gold gab ich für Eisen

Föderation EN Mi 05.02.2025 08:28:46

@Em0nM4stodon which country do you mean? Or any?

Kate Hildenbrand

Föderation EN Mi 05.02.2025 08:44:12

@Em0nM4stodon I haven't tried it myself but someone recommended ObscuraCam for protests in Germany the other day. It seems to blur faces in photos for you.

Baron Vonskinnback

Föderation EN Mi 05.02.2025 09:03:57

@Em0nM4stodon absolutely, remember how the January 6th morons were rounded up, definitely don't let that happen to you by this dumbass administration, probably best to turn off your location services as well before you leave the house, don't use any services on your phone that could be trackable, in fact try and get your hands on a dumb phone for this kind of stuff...

TeflonTrout :bc: he/him

Föderation EN Mi 05.02.2025 12:37:10

@Vonskinnback @Em0nM4stodon


your everyday phone
Your smart watch
Your digital camera, unless you know how to delete metadata before sharing
Your GPS enabled car, ebike, etc

DO BRING (electronics wise):
Burner phone you have never and will never turn on in your house, preferably one with a removable battery. Wait till you get there to put the battery in, take it out as soon as you can when leaving

...that's about it.

Phone companies can ping your phone location when it's on, even in airplane mode. Your phone doesn't need to transmit anything to track its own location via gps, and once you connect back up it'll dump all that saved data to Facebook, etc.

Powered off, to my knowledge, it can't be tracked, but I'm not a security expert and am completely unsure about that. Plus you never want it powered on in the same place your burner phone is.

Baron Vonskinnback

Föderation EN Mi 05.02.2025 12:55:30

@TeflonTrout @Em0nM4stodon unless you can remove the battery there is always a risk, dumb phones are the way forward...

Estarriol, lucozade dragon

Föderation EN Mi 05.02.2025 15:02:51

@TeflonTrout @Vonskinnback @Em0nM4stodon

on the phone thing, write with an indelible marker your lawyers phone number on your forearm. Do not assume you will have access to it on paper or from your phone.

David Penfold :verified:

Föderation EN Mi 05.02.2025 15:03:22

@TeflonTrout @Vonskinnback @Em0nM4stodon
A Faraday bag is also an expedient solution when you don't have a burner phone.


Föderation EN Mi 05.02.2025 13:27:04

Maybe I am just old or something like that but it strikes me that maybe carrying a phone to a protest is a terribly bad idea.
Just leave your cell phone, apple watch or fitbit at home.
If you really, really cannot do without a phone buy a burner phone.
But really any type of photo is completely out.
As an experienced activist (not USA) remarked. "No photos. Ever. The security police."

HyperSoop :neocat_floof_explode:‮

Föderation EN Mi 05.02.2025 13:30:52

@Em0nM4stodon is anything happening this week specifically that stands out?


Föderation EN Mi 05.02.2025 13:33:24

@Em0nM4stodon I'd also recommended to use ObscuraCam and ProofMode by The Guardian Project to censor faces and identifiable information in photos you post and to verify that any video evidence is real and not AI. You can download them from