
Em :official_verified:

Föderation EN Sa 01.03.2025 21:27:35

Tiny reminder that it's important
to boost posts on Mastodon!

Liking only will not help a post being seen more. Boosting will! :boost_ok:

Boost the posts you want others to see. Add hashtags to your posts to help others find them.

This is the Fediverse way :mastodon:

Dave Rainsford

Föderation EN Sa 01.03.2025 21:31:01

@Em0nM4stodon yeah, because its 'real time' its easy sometimes to feel like its shouting into the void! So hashtags are so important and as you say ... Boosts !!


Föderation FR Sa 01.03.2025 21:36:49

@Em0nM4stodon @rainercade

Et pour les francophones :


Föderation FR Sa 01.03.2025 21:38:38

@Gergovie @Em0nM4stodon @rainercade
We Finns are humble and so shamed of boosting ourselves. Same time we super envious next door neighbour doing better... So boosting is not in our nature :-)

Em :official_verified:

Föderation EN Sa 01.03.2025 21:41:12

@havukainen This isn't about being humble, this is about participating in making the Fediverse a great lively place at all hours of the day!

@Gergovie @rainercade


Föderation EN Sa 01.03.2025 21:52:42

@Em0nM4stodon @Gergovie @rainercade I personally don't disagree. It is just in our national genealogy for historical reasons being subject to Sweden and Russia (indepence time scared of Soviet Union). Now I am personally scared of Russia and USA even we just joined to NATO.


Föderation EN Sa 01.03.2025 21:57:14

@rainercade @Em0nM4stodon oh yeah well maybe I like shouting into the void 😤


Föderation EN Sa 01.03.2025 21:42:47

@Em0nM4stodon I will boost this for the sake of boosting the post talking about how cool boosting is

Em :official_verified:

Föderation EN Sa 01.03.2025 21:45:24

@EdenIsASpood This is so meta that I will boost this reply post talking about boosting the post talking about how cool boosting is.


Föderation EN Sa 01.03.2025 22:16:46

@Em0nM4stodon Currently trying to resist boosting this and replying "I will boost this reply post talking about boosting a reply post talking about boosting the post talking about how cool boosting is.


Föderation EN Sa 01.03.2025 21:43:45

@Em0nM4stodon especially for small instances 😊

Em :official_verified:

Föderation EN Sa 01.03.2025 21:46:28

@leberschnitzel 👆👆👆👆👆


Föderation EN Sa 01.03.2025 21:58:05

Mastodons lack of an algorithm is a blessing and a curse.
When I only see new toots on my timeline it means I can go a long time without seeing certain content creators / artists I follow.
So you’re right about boosting interesting posts!


Föderation EN Sa 01.03.2025 22:02:05

@Em0nM4stodon No just change your to read more Hashtags or personal pages instead of following. For me Boosting is often like spam. Same Stuff twice. So no i am team Whats new like discover boosted one or right now posted on my server. Instead of boosted followers in my timeline.

daieno bika

Föderation EN Sa 01.03.2025 22:13:17

@Em0nM4stodon as a newbie here, thank you for this wisdom!


Föderation EN Sa 01.03.2025 22:22:16

@Em0nM4stodon I'd like to boost more, but I feel like my local instance would vibe with the lack of CW on political posts on many of the posts I see. Maybe quote posts will help 🫤

Curious Magpie

Föderation EN Sa 01.03.2025 22:23:13

If it's beauty or kind humor or super interesting - then yes, I boost.

I prefer to 'like' posts that I agree with / support but don't want to flood my followers with negativity. Yes, I can CW. I figure at this point, folks who want to engage with politics will have already found accounts to follow.

crossgolf_rebel - kostenlose Kwalitätsposts

Föderation · Sa 01.03.2025 22:29:15

@Em0nM4stodon@infosec.exchange you used the wrong logo at the end. :fediverse:
Fediverse is not the same as mastodon

Em :official_verified:

Föderation EN Sa 01.03.2025 23:41:18

@crossgolf_rebel I used the Mastodon logo because currently my instance does not have the Fediverse logo as custom emoji, unfortunately :blobcatsadpats:

crossgolf_rebel - kostenlose Kwalitätsposts

Föderation · So 02.03.2025 07:38:12

@Em0nM4stodon@infosec.exchange It's sad that you don't have the network logo.
Better leave it out then